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2.你最喜欢的影星是李连杰(Jet Li),他1963年出生在北京,他是最著名的演员之一,他把他的很多时间奉献给了慈善事业。
Dear Steven,
My name is Zhang Ming,_______________________________________________
Best wishes,
Zhang Ming
答案:Dear Steven,
My name is Zhang Ming. I like seeing films, especially action films.
My favourite film star is Jackie Chan. He is one of the greatest actors. He devoted much of his time to charity.
I am busy with my school work on weekdays. I usually see films at weekends.But my parents don’t allow me to see films. They think seeing films too much is bad for my eyes and body. They think that I am not a hardworking boy. But I don’t agree with them. I think we should see some films to relax ourselves at weekends. Then we can study better.
My dear friend, what’s your opinion? Can you tell me?
Best wishes
Zhang Ming