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For my grandmother’s 70th birthday, my family and I visited South Korea. While there, I was attentive to Korean high schools and students.
I was surprised by how different Korea’s public high schools are from America’s. Korean high schools can be all-girls, all-boys or co-ed (男女同校的) unlike our standard co-ed high schools. There are three grades: “go 1” (10th), “go 2” (11th) and “go 3” (12th). ‘‘Go” is the first syllable of the word “go-deung-hakkyo", which, simply translated, is “high school”.
In America, unless you want to go to a private school, you don't have to take an entrance exam. In Korea, however, students must take a test to get in because of the many choices of schools.
Another difference I couldn't help but notice was the students' appearance. With very few exceptions, all wear uniforms. A name tag (标牌) with the student's name, grade and homeroom number must also be worn. Girl's skirts can't be above the upper part of the knee, and it is forbidden to dye (染) your hair or wear accessories (装饰品) except small earrings. There are strict regulations for appearance to achieve neatness, and it seems the only freedom students have is with their choices of hair style, socks and shoes.
The final difference was thesetupof the classes. There may be 40 students in a classroom, but the number can be less or even more, depending on the population of the town or city. Although there are many students per classroom, they are very close, which I think is a result of not changing classrooms for different subjects. There are no levels in the subjects and the teachers are the ones who switch classrooms. They just have ten-minute breaks between subjects. In each class, students are ranked by their grades. This causes strict competition, and Korean students do a lot of studying. To help them, all schools have extra study classes after school. One other fact that helped me appreciate living in America is that Koreans have school on Saturdays. Although it's only a half day, I think I speak for most Americans when I say we could never imagine ourselves in school on a Saturday.
Korea's public high schools are clearly different from America's. I had imagined them to be just like our schools, but now I have a clear picture of how different they are.
【小题1】How many main differences are mentioned between Korea's public high school and America's?
【小题2】It seems that the writer_______.
A.is familiar with the education system of high schools in Korea
B.is fond of Korean students' appearance
C.prefers the high school life of America to the one of Korea
D.feels it common to have lessons on weekends
【小题3】What does the underlined word "setup" in paragraph 5 probably mean?
A.Arrangement. B.Size.
【小题4】According to the rules, the students of Korea can _______.
A.go to different high schools without exams
B.wear any clothes except uniforms at school
C.attend different classes as they like
D.have different hair styles
【小题1】细节理解题。根据第二段“Korean high schools can be all-girls, all-boys or co-ed (男女同校的) unlike our standard co-ed high schools.”和第三段“In America, unless you want to go to a private school, you don't have to take an entrance exam. In Korea, however, students must take a test”与第四段“Another difference I couldn't help but notice was the students' appearance.”及第五段“The final difference was thesetupof the classes.”可知,文章提到了四点不同之处,故选B。
【小题2】推理判断题。根据第二段第一句“I was surprised by how different Korea’s public high schools are from America’s.”排除A;根据倒数第二段“we could never imagine ourselves in school on a Saturday可知,在美国,周末是不上课的,排除D;根据倒数第二段“One other fact that helped me appreciate living in America is that Koreans have school on Saturdays...we could never imagine ourselves in school on a Saturday.”可知,作者更喜欢美国的高中生活,故选C。
【小题3】猜测词义题。根据“There may be 40 students in a classroom, but the number can be less or even more...There are no levels in the subjects...In each class, students are ranked by their grades...Koreans have school on Saturdays”可知,本段讲的不同之处是课程安排,故选A。
【小题4】推理判断题。根据第三段“In Korea, however, students must take a test to get in”排除A;根据第四段“With very few exceptions, all wear uniforms.”可知,韩国学生也要穿校服,排除B;根据第四段“the only freedom students have is with their choices of hair style, socks and shoes”可知,韩国学生可以自由选择发型,可以选择穿什么样的袜子和鞋子,故选D。