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Long ago the Emperor decided【小题1】___________ (hold) a swimming race between 13 different animals. The order in which they finished would decide the order of their 【小题2】 __________ (appear) in the Chinese calendar (历法). All the animals lined up on the river bank and【小题3】 ___________ (give) the task of 【小题4】 __________ (get) to the opposite shore. The cat wondered how he would get across 【小题5】____________ he was afraid of water. The ox worried how he would cross with his poor eyesight. The calculating rat suggested that he and the cat 【小题6】 _____________ (jump) onto the ox's back and guide him across. The ox, steady and hard-working, did not notice the two animals on his back. In the meanwhile, the rat 【小题7】 ____________ (run) behind the unsuspecting cat and pushed him into the water. As the ox came ashore, the rat jumped off and finished the race first. So the rat got the first year 【小题8】___________ (name) after him and the ox got the second year. 【小题9】 __________ the lazy pig reached the finish line in 12th place,the race was over and he was awarded the final place on the calendar. From that day the cat, 【小题10】___________ has never finished and lost his place on the calendar, became the enemy of the rat.
答案:【小题1】to hold
【小题3】were given
【小题6】(should) jump
【小题1】固定搭配 decide to do 故填to hold。
【小题2】their 后跟名词,所以用动词appear 的名词形式appearance。
【小题3】All the animals 和give之间是被动关系,而且animals是复数,因此填were given。
【小题7】根据故事开头Long ago“很久以前”,得知用用一般过去时态,所以用ran。
【小题8】句意是:所以老鼠得到了以他的名字命名的第一年。the first year和name之间是被动关系,故用named。