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While nature lovers across the world wish all humans to realize the significance of their natural surroundings, many Australians are turning caring for the environment into a way of life.
Julie Astonis, an Australian housewife in Brisbane is one such example. Even though autumn is approaching Australia’s Brisbane in April, one can still watch colorful blooming (盛开的) flowers in Julie’s little garden, as she tells that in her community, “Each of us has a beautiful yard. The whole community, from children to elderly people, takes care of the environment as if they are taking care of their own garden.
“Gardening is the most popular club in our community,” she says. “A lot of retired people don’t just regularly organize gardening lectures, but also personally visit families in the community to provide gardening training. So you can see that flowers continue to blossom in our gardens throughout the year.”
Talking about her people’s sense of care for the environment, Julie says when people in the community take along their dog, they always carry a garbage bag to deal with the dog’s waste. “In our community, you will never experience the embarrassment of stepping on the dirty waste while you are walking on the grass,” says Julie with a smile.“Taking care of the dog’s waste can a1so help to develop children’s sense of responsibility!”
As to protecting water resources, the Australian government has made strict rules for families. Julie says, “We certainly would not use tap water to water the flowers!” She says almost every family in her community has a huge tank used to store rainwater, which is later used as the resource of all outdoor water use, connect the water tank with their toilets.
【小题1】From the first three paragraphs we learn that     .
A.gardening is popular in most part of Australia
B.April is a great time for people to enjoy flowers
C.it’s not easy to keep a garden without proper training
D.Julie’s community has a deep sense of caring for nature
【小题2】What do we know about Julie from this passage?
A.She takes pride in her community.
B.She once stepped on a dog’ s waste.
C.She is quite in favor of raising a dog.
D.She finds it embarrassing to walk on the grass.
【小题3】From what Julie says in the last paragraph, we know     .
A.rainwater is not the best resource
B.her community owns a public tank
C.her community makes full use of resources
D.it is not necessary to water flowers very often
【小题4】What would be the best title for the passage?
A.Love nature, the Australian way
B.How Australians save resources
C.How Australians lead their life
D.Protect nature, a must of life
【小题1】推理判断题。根据第一段“many Australians are turning caring for the environment into a way of life”和第二段“The whole community, from children to elderly people, takes care of the environment as if they are taking care of their own garden.”与第三段“regularly organize gardening lectures...provide gardening training”可知,Julie所在的社区非常注重环保,从孩子到老人都非常爱护环境,故选D。
【小题2】推理判断题。根据第四段“In our community, you will never experience the embarrassment of stepping on the dirty waste while you are walking on the grass”可知,在Julie所在的社区,人们走在草地上不会踩到小狗的粪便,排除B、D;Julie这样说是为了向大家证明人们的环保意识很强,并没有赞成养狗之意,排除C,故选A。
【小题3】推理判断题。根据“almost every family in her community has a huge tank”排除B;根据“almost every family in her community has a huge tank used to store rainwater, which is later used as the resource of all outdoor water use”可知,Julie社区几乎每家都有一个蓄水池,他们所有的户外用水都来自雨水,说明他们充分利用资源,故选C。
【小题4】选择最佳标题。根据第一段“many Australians are turning caring for the environment into a way of life”可知,许多澳大利亚人正把保护环境变成一种生活方式,下面四段讲的是Julie社区是怎样爱护环境的,A项的“the Australian way”与文章大意相符,故选A。