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One day when Jack was walking in the park, he saw a woman he knew sitting on a bench(长椅)with a dog beside her. The dog was looking up at the woman.
Jack walked up to the woman and said, “Hello. Sue, how are you? May I sit and talk with you for a while?”
“Of course, please sit down,” Sue said.
Jack sat down next to Sue on the bench, and they talked quietly together. The dog continued to look up at Sue, as if waiting to be fed.
“That's a nice dog.” Jack said, pointing(指向)at the animal.
“Yes, he's handsome. He's a bit of a mixture,(混合) but that's not a bad thing. He's strong and healthy.”
“And hungry.” Jack said. “He hasn't taken his eyes off you. He thinks you've got some food for him.”
“That's true,” Sue said, “But I haven’t.”
The two friends laughed and then Jack said, “Does your dog bite?”
“No,” Sue said. “He's never bitten anyone. He's always gentle and good-tempered(好脾气).”
Hearing this, Jack decided topetthe dog. He put out his hand and touched the animal's head. Immediately it
jumped up and bit him.
“Hey!” Jack shouted. “You said he didn't bite.”
“No, I didn't.”Sue replied. “You asked if my dog bit, and I said no.”
【小题1】What did Jack do when he saw the woman? _________.
A.He walked past her.B.He asked to sit next to her.
C.He spoke angrily to her.D.He spoke to her dog.
【小题2】The dog looked_________.
A.angrily at JackB.sick
C.as if he would bite SueD.hungry
【小题3】Jack thought that the dog _________.
A.was illB.belonged to(属于) Sue
C.was terribleD.belonged in a zoo
【小题4】The underlined word “pet” should be ________in Chinese.
【小题5】From the story, we can know________.
A.Jack and Sue talked about the same dog
B.Jack knew the owner of the dog in the park, but Sue didn’t.
C.Jack wasn’t bitten by the dog in the park.
D.Sue has a gentle dog.
【小题2】细节理解题。问题:这条狗看起来如何?联系原文:The dog continued to look up at Sue, as if waiting to be fed.句意:这条狗继续看着苏,仿佛正等着去喂。因此说明它可能是饿了。故选 D
【小题4】细节理解题。问题:划线词的中文意思是什么?联系原文:Jack decided topetthe dog. He put out his hand and touched the animal's head.句意:杰克决定抚摸这条狗。他拿出手去摸它的头。因此说明这个词是抚摸之意。故选D