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HOW many of you have used rock, paper, scissors (RPS) as a “fair” way to settle something? If you think it is a game of chance, think again, according to scientists.
RPS is a game as popular in the East as it is in the West. The rules are the same: Two players make one of the three hand signs. To decide the winner, rock breaks scissors, scissors cut paper, and paper covers rock.
Many of us play with no game plan in mind. But researchers have worked out several winning patterns. The World Rock Paper Scissors Society holds tournaments (联赛) in Toronto, Canada. According to their data, players choose rock (35.4 percent) and paper (35 percent) more than scissors (29.6 percent).
If your opponent is a man or an angry person, it’s quite possible they will start the game with rock, researchers have found. If your opponent is a woman or a beginner, you should expect them to start with scissors.
Earlier this year, Chinese scientists asked 360 students to compete in a RPS tournament at Zhejiang University. Scientists found that winners tend to choose the same action they won with, while the loser tends to change to the next action in the order of rock, scissors, paper.This is called the “win-stay lose-change” strategy(策略). Humans use this strategy in many competitive situations.
Expert RPS players have many other techniques. Monica Martinez, 2008 winner of the World RPS Tournament, said that she read faces.“I didn’t worry about what I was going to do, I just did what I thought they were going to do,” she told The Telegraph. If your friends are similar experts, learn from Jonathan Monaco, winner of the 2009 USA RPS Tournament. He wears dark sunglasses to cover his expressions during the game.
Remember, the strategy for playing RPS depends on how skilled your opponent is. But if you’re looking for a quick, simple winning rule for a match, choose paper. Scissors is the least popular choice, and men favor rock. Both are reasons to choose paper.
【小题1】What is Paragraph 2 mainly about?
A.The popularity of RPS games around the world.
B.The general rules of RPS games.
C.A game plan for RPS games.
D.The fairness of RPS games.
【小题2】According to the article, researchers worked out some winning patterns for RPS games mainly by _______.
A.studying the rules of the game
B.analyzing game data
C.interviewing expert players
D.organizing major tournaments
【小题3】Which of the following statements about Monica Martinez is TRUE according to the article?
A.She likes to use the same actions many times in a row when playing the game.
B.She usually follows the order of rock, scissors and paper when playing the game.
C.She is good at reading her opponent’s moves when playing the game.
D.She often wears dark sunglasses when playing the game.
【小题4】We can infer from the last paragraph that _______.
A.scissors is the most popular choice of skilled RPS players
B.paper is a safer choice than rock and scissors for RPS players
C.beginners have barely any chance of winning against skilled RPS players
D.men are usually better at RPS games than women