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Time magazine released its annual list of the 100 "Most Influential People in the World" on Wednesday. Jeremy Lin   【小题1】 (include).
“Jeremy Lin, New York Knicks starting point guard, is   【小题2】 individual that many children can aspire to be alike,” said U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan, “kids can learn a great lesson  【小题3】  the injured Knicks point guard who graduated from Harvard University.”
“Jeremy Lin’s story is a great lesson for kids everywhere because   【小题4】fights back so many of the prejudices and wrong ideas that unfairly hold children back. He’s changed the idea  【小题5】  Asian-American guards somehow can’t succeed in the NBA --- and that being a world-class athlete on the court is somehow contradictory with being an excellent student off the court.” Duncan said.
“It’s great to see good values   【小题6】 (reward) in professional sports because that’s not always the case.” Duncan said in the Time report. “Often it’s the bling, the glam, the individual that gets celebrated --- not the team and working together to advance a goal   【小题7】 (big) than oneself.”
Lin’s teammates seemed to take pride   【小题8】 the up-and-coming basketball star,  【小题9】 Lin remained modest about the   【小题10】 (recognize) by tweeting, “Now my face is red.”
答案:【小题1】was included
【小题1】考查被动语态,补充完整即为:he was included in the list of ......杰米里·林也包括在内,故填was included
【小题2】考查冠词和插入语,元音字母前冠词用“an”,New York Knicks starting point guard,这是一项插入语,可以省略,句子就是:Jeremy Lin is an individual (that many children can aspire to be alike),他是一个很多孩子都立志想要成为的那个人,故填an
【小题3】考查固定搭配和定语从句,“learn from”从某件事中学到,简化句子为:kids can learn (a great lesson)  (the injured )Knicks point guard (who graduated from Harvard University.)孩子们可以从受伤的控球后卫林书豪身上学到很多,故填from
【小题4】考查代词和同位语,it代指前文his story,句子可简化为because      fights back (so many of )the prejudices and wrong ideas (that unfairly hold children back.)林书豪的故事给所有孩子们上了一课。他打破了那么多阻止孩子们前进的偏见和刻板印象,故填it
【小题5】考查定语从句,这是关于idea的定语从句,由第二个“and that”也可知第一个用that,并且第二个一定不能省略。他改变了一直以来亚裔的篮球运动员很难胜任NBA控球后卫的看法。故填that
【小题6】考查定语从句,rewarded修饰values,还原句子为:It’s great to see good values  which is rewarded in professional sports,which is可省略。 我很高兴能够看到,有这样优秀品质的年轻人可以在职业体育的领域取得成功,不是所有人都有这样的机遇,故填rewarded
【小题7】考查比较级,由前文“ the team and working together”知是在把集体主义与个人主义做对比,而林团队观念强,在林书豪身上,我们看不到浮躁和自私的个人主义,他一直在遵循团队的精神实现目标,故填bigger
【小题8】考查固定短语,take pride in 为某人感到骄傲,林书豪的队友们以他为傲。故填in
【小题10】考查名词搭配, remained modest保持谦逊的态度,about是介词,后面应用名词或是动词ing形式,当队友赞美他时,林书豪在网上发帖称:自己的脸红了,故填recognition