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While climbing K2 in Pakistan, author Greg Mortenson became ill and got lost. He got help in a small village named Korphe. 【小题1】The people of the village took good care of him,feeding him and letting him sleep in the village chief’s house. They also gave him one of their most rare treats: sweet tea. As Mortenson recovered from his illness, he noticed that the children of the village worked and went to school outdoors. 【小题2】Their teacher came only three times a weekand they didn’t have blackboards. They used sticks to write on the ground.The day he left the village, 【小题3】他许诺回来建一所学校。His school would allow both boys and girls to attend. He kept his promise and helped found a school with a building and supplies so the kids could study indoors with real writing tools.
【小题4】那是在1993年. Today Mortenso is responsible for building 80 school in Central Asia.【小题5】He has helped more than 18,000 girls receive an education so far.
【小题3】he promised to come back and build a school.
【小题4】That is in 1993
【小题1】“of the village”是介词短语作后置定语,修饰主语the people,take good care of sb细心照顾,相当于look after sb well,故翻译为:村民们细心照顾他。
【小题2】基数词+times+a week/month/year等,意为“一周/月/年几次”,表示频率,故翻译为:他们的老师一周只来三次。
【小题3】promise to do sth承诺做某事,come back回来,返回,故翻译为he promised to come back and build a school.
【小题4】that指代上文修建学校的事情,Mortenso在1993年帮村民修建了一所学校,故翻译为:That is in 1993。
【小题5】so far迄今,到目前为止,与现在完成时连用,help sb (to) do sth帮助某人做某事,故翻译为:到目前为止,他已帮助了18000多个女孩,让她们能够接受教育。