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People eat different things in different parts of the world.
In some countries, people eat rice every day. Sometimes they eat it two or three times a day for breakfast, lunch and supper. They eat rice with meat, fish and vegetables.
Some people do not eat some kinds of meat. Muslims (穆斯林),for example, do  not eat pork.
Japanese eat lots of fish. They are near the  sea. So it is easy for them to get fish.
In some western countries such as Britain, Australia and the USA, the most important food is bread and potatoes. People there can cook potatoes in many different ways.
Some people eat only fruit and vegetables. They do not eat meat or fish or anything from animals. They only eat food from plants (植物). Some people say that food from plants is better than meat. These people are calledvegetarians.
【小题1】 What does the underlined word “vegetarians” mean in Chinese?
【小题2】         do not eat pork.
【小题3】Why do Japanese eat lots of fish?
A.Because they like fish better than the other food.
B.Because it is easy for them to get fish.
C.Because fish can give them lots of calories.
D.Because they think eating fish can make them clever.
【小题4】What is the most important food in Australia?
【小题5】Which one of the following sentences is true?
A.People in different countries eat different food.
B.If you only eat food from animals, you are a vegetarian.
C.Food from animals is better than food from plants.
D.People in some western countries can only cook potatoes in one way.
【小题1】猜测词义题。划线单词“vegetarians”的汉语意思是素食主义者。根据Some people eat only fruit and vegetables. They do not eat meat or fish or anything from animals. They only eat food from plants (植物).故选D。
【小题2】细节理解题。穆斯林不吃猪肉。根据Muslims (穆斯林),for example, do  not eat pork. 可知选C。
【小题3】细节理解题。日本人为什么吃许多鱼?因为对于他们来说弄到鱼肉很容易。根据They are near the sea. So it is easy for them to get fish. 故选B。
【小题4】细节理解题。在澳大利亚,最重要的食物是什么?面包。根据Australia and the USA, the most important food is bread and potatoes. 可知,应该选B。
【小题5】细节理解题。下面哪个句子是对的?不同国家的人吃不同食物。据People eat different things in different parts of the world. 故选A。