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In America, many teenagers have a part-time job. A part-time job is one that you do a few hours each week to make money. Do you have a part-time job?
Teens can have many different kinds of part-time jobs. Some teens work in groceries (杂货). Others may work in other local business such as the clothes store. You may have friends who work in a fast food restaurant. They may make the food, or keep the restaurant clean. Many teens make money by looking after younger children in the neighborhood. Some teens even have their own business. They cut grass and take care of pets in their neighborhoods while other people are on vacation.
Most teens who have part-time jobs work only a few hours after school, maybe two or three times a week. They often have to work all day on Saturday.
Having a part-time job has manyadvantages.The job teaches you new skills that you can use as an adult. The job also teaches you responsibility (责任). The person who paid you for the job expects you to be there. The job also pays you money that you can use for many different things. Your family might need the money to help with the family budget (预算). If you're lucky, you could use the money to buy music and videos. You might want to save the money to buy a new bicycle or maybe even a car.
In some families, teens have part-time jobs to help make money to go to college. Going to college is very expensive. Many parents cannot pay for their child's education without help from the child. In some families, at least half of what a teen makes at a part-time job goes into a college savings account (账户). The teen can spend the rest of the money on what he or she needs or wants.
Many teenagers have part-time jobs and still have time for their friends and families. Many still belong to clubs at school and even have time to play sports. If you have a part-time job,you need to have a good plan to help you do everything you want and have to do. Do your homework and chores as soon as you can. Don't let the work wait and pile up (堆积). Make sure you get to your job on time. Do the things that are most important to you. Spend time with the people you care about most.
【小题1】From the second paragraph of the passage, we know the American teenagers do ____________ kinds of part-time jobs to___________ some extra money.
In some families, the parents____________ the money made by their child to ____________to send their child to college.
According to the passage, what can the teenagers learn from doing part-time jobs?
What is the main idea of the passage?
【小题1】根据第二段的Teens can have many different kinds of part-time jobs.和Many teens make extra money by baby-sitting younger children in the neighborhood.可知在美国青少年做各种各样的兼职工作是为了多赚点钱。故第一空为Different,第二空位于动词不定式符号to之后,故用动词原形make。
【小题2】根据第五段的Many parents cannot pay for their child's education without help from the child.可知有些家庭,父母用他们孩子赚的钱来帮助他们的孩子上大学,故第一空为use,第二空为help。
【小题3】根据第四段的The job teaches you new skills that you can use as an adult. The job also teaches you responsibility(责任).可知做兼职工作的好处是教会孩子一些成年人的技能和责任。故此处的答案为:The job teaches you new skills that you can use as an adult and responsibility.
【小题4】who paid you for the job作为定语从句修饰先行词the person, 意思为付你工资的人;expects you to be there 期待你能坚守在那;when you are supposed to and to do your job well.是时间转语从句,意思为当你应该在那里并且做好工作。因此此处的意思为:付你工资的人期待你能坚守你的工作岗位并且做好工作。
【小题5】根据In America, many teenagers have a part-time job.和Having a part-time job has many advantages.可知本文主要是讲美国的许多青少年喜欢做兼职工作以及兼职工作的好处。故此处的答案为:Teenagers in America like to do part-time jobs and the advantages of it