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随着社会的发展,我国公民的素质也得到了很大的提高,文明中国礼, 文明礼仪再一次被提到重要的位置, 时代呼唤我们成为一名高素质讲文明的现代中学生。那么,在你的眼里,什么样的学生才是好学生呢?如:你在保护环境的做法;学习方面的态度等;请你以A Good Student In My Eyes 为题,用英语写一篇短文,让大家一起来分享你的看法。可以适当发挥!词数:80词左右。
温馨提示:1. 短文中请勿使用真实姓名、地点或所在学校名称。
2. 这些词汇也许对你有帮助:study well, hard-working, helpful,
get on well with, be friendly to ; spit; pick, don’t throw rubbish
A Good Student In My Eyes
答案:A Good Student In My Eyes
In my opinion, a good student should be hard-working first. If we don’t study, how can we do something for our society in the future? Then I think a good student should be helpful and friendly to others. If he is not welcome in the class, he will be lonely. And I think a good student should not only be good at study but also do other things well, or he can’t enjoy a colorful life.
At the same time, to be a greener person is very important. It’s our duty to protect the environment. As a student, we shouldn’t spit in public, we shouldn’t step on the grass or pick flowers. We must stop people from cutting down trees. Don’t throw rubbish everywhere.
At last, I’m sure everyone wants to be a good student.