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A stag(雄鹿),which lived in a jungle,decided to go for a trip with his family to another forest.The stag and his family         the new jungle,which was           with thick bushes and trees.There was plenty to eat for all of them.
All of a sudden,the antlers(鹿角)of the stag got         in the overhanging branches of a tree.The stag tried hard,but could not          himself.His wife and baby kept on watching       
The stag thought,“Everything was fine,till now.But now I am     .We won’t be able to reach our home until I have my antlers free.How    I am! We came here for        ,but I think this is the worst     of my life.”
The stag       for some more time but he was too     .He finally52   and kept standing there helplessly. The three of them had to spend the whole night like this.The stag kept        about his fate.
The next morning,a woodcutter saw the stag with his antlers caught in the branches.He          the stag.Soon,the woodcutter cut down the branches of the tree and set the stag free.
The stag          the woodcutter and rushed back home with his family.On reaching home,he was      to learn that some lions had         their area the previous day.Many lives were lost.
Within the flash of a second,the stag realized that he and his family were       because his antlers had got caught in the branches.The moments which he          to be the worst    period of his life turned out to be the most       for him.
A.lostB. settledC.stuckD. failed
A.gave upB.caught upC.left offD.gave in
A.took pity onB.picked upC.took awayD.looked down upon
A.killedB. followedC.thankedD.suspected
【小题1】考查动词辨析. A“逃避,避开”B“享有,享受; 欣赏”C“不喜欢; 厌恶”D“发展; 开发”,由 The stag and his family   the new jungle意思是:这只雄鹿和他的家人喜欢新的丛林。故选B。
【小题2】考查动词辨析. A“供给; 补充”B“支持; 帮助; 支撑”C“遮盖; 掩蔽; 涉及”D“发展; 开发”,由后面一句There was plenty to eat for all of them.意思是:那对他们来说有足够的食物。因此此处which was   with thick bushes and trees.这是一个which引导的非限制性定语从句,which指代前面的the new jungle。意思是:新丛林被厚厚的灌木林和大叔覆盖。故选C。
【小题3】考查动词辨析. A“赶上,(使)被钩住,(使)被卡住”B“损害; 使受伤; 使伤心”C“落下; 跌倒; 减少”D“(使)破; 打破(纪录)”。be caught in 陷于。由All of a sudden, the antlers(鹿角)of the stag got   in the overhanging branches of a tree。意思是:突然,鹿角被悬垂下来的树枝给钩住了。故选A。
【小题4】考查动词辨析. A“离开; 遗弃; 忘了带”B“发现; 找到; 查明”C“使满意,满足”D“免除; 释放; 使自由”。 由The stag tried hard,but could not   himself意思是:这只鹿使劲尝试(挣脱),但是无法解救自己。故选D。
【小题5】考查副词辨析. A“抱有希望的; 给人以希望的”B“小心谨慎地; 警惕地; 仔细地”C“无力地,无助地; 无可奈何地”D“漫无目的地,无目标地”。 由His wife and baby kept on watching    .意思是:它的妻子和孩子一直无助地看着它。故选C。
【小题6】考查动词辨析. A“遗失,失去”B“解决; 安排; 使定居”C“粘贴; 插入; 刺入”D“不及格; 使失望”。 be stuck in 被困住。由 Everything was fine,till now.But now I am   .意思是:到现在,所有的事情都很好,但是我现在却被困住了。故选C。
【小题7】考查形容词辨析. A“幸福的; 快乐的”B“不幸运的,倒霉的”C“兴奋的,激动的”D“愚蠢的; 迟钝的; 乏味的”。由前面可知当雄鹿被困住的时候,他情绪不好,所以这里实在感叹How   I am!,我是多么不幸啊。故选B。
【小题8】考查名词辨析. A“家; 家庭”B“食物,食品; 粮食”C“朋友”D“愉快; 娱乐”。由We came here for   意思是:我们来到这是为了快乐。故选D。
【小题9】考查形容词辨析. A“社交聚会,党派”B“时期; (一段)时间”C“故事,传说; 历史”D“失败,不及格; 缺乏”。由but I think this is the worst    of my life.”意思是:但是我认为这是我一生中最糟糕的一段时间。故选B。
【小题10】考查形容词辨析. A“搏斗; 奋斗; 努力”B“ 思索; 以为”C“使工作; 操作; 经营”D“持续,经受住”。由The stag    for some more time…意思是:这只雄鹿挣扎以一段时间….故选A。
【小题11】考查形容词辨析. A“生气的; 愤怒的”B“疲倦的; 对…不耐烦的”C“成功的,如愿以偿的”D“惊奇的; 惊讶的”,由 The stag   for some more time but he was too   意思是:这只雄鹿挣扎了一段时间,但是它太累了。故选B。
【小题12】考查词组辨析. A“放弃; 投降”B“追上; 赶上; 捕获”C“停止(做)某事, 戒掉”D“屈服; 投降; 让步”,由 He finally   and kept standing there helplessly.意思是:它最红放弃了,一直无助地站在那。故选A。
【小题13】考查动词辨析. A“欢呼; 使高兴; 为…喝彩”B“重新考虑,再想”C“抱怨,诉苦; 申诉”D“涉及,关系到; 使关心”,由The stag kept    about his fate.意思是:这只雄鹿一直抱怨他的命运(不好)。故选C。
【小题14】考查词组辨析. A“同情”B“捡起; 接载; 学会”C“剥夺; 拿开”D“蔑视,瞧不起”,由The next morning,a woodcutter saw the stag with his antlers caught in the branches.He       the stag.意思是:第二天早晨,一位伐木工看到被困在树林的雄鹿,他很同情这只雄鹿。故选A。
【小题15】考查动词辨析. A“杀死”B“跟随”C“感谢”D“怀疑”,由The stag   the woodcutter and rushed back home with his family.意思是:这只雄鹿感谢这位伐木工,然后和家人返回以前的家。故选C。
【小题16】考查形容词辨析. A“吃惊的”B“惭愧的,羞耻的”C“后悔的”D“高兴的; 欣喜的”,由On reaching home,he was   to learn that.意思是:一回到家,它很惊讶,发现…(据后文可知家已经被狮子袭击破坏了)。故选A。
【小题17】考查动词辨析. A“保护,保卫”B“偷,悄悄的做”C“使人发笑; 逗乐; 使消遣”D“攻击,进攻,抨击”,由some lions had   their area the previous day.意思是:前几天有些狮子已经攻击了它们的家。故选D。
【小题18】考查动词辨析. A“欺骗,诈骗; 误导”B“节省,储蓄, 解救”C“杀死”D“预示(某事); 恐吓; 危及”,由Within the flash of a second,the stag realized that he and his family were     because his antlers had got caught in the branches.意思是:在一瞬间,雄鹿意识到因为他的鹿角被困在树枝上,它和它的家人被解救了(免于这场灾难)。故选B。
【小题19】考查动词辨析. A“猜疑(是); 怀疑”B“体验,经历, 感受”C“期望; 预料; 要求”D“考虑; 把(某人,某事)看作…”,由The moments which he   to be the worst period of his life…意思是:那一刻它认为是人生中最糟糕的…。故选D。
【小题20】考查形容词辨析. A“困难的; 难做的; 难解的”B“舒适的; 安逸的,处于轻松的”C“幸运的”D“难以置信的”,由The moments which he    to be the worst period of his life turned out to be the most   for him.意思是:它曾经认为是人生中最糟糕的阶段被证明是人生中最大的幸运。故选C。