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How I hate act dishonestly in exams! This morning, Henry tried to copy my
answers. He whispered to me so that the teacher couldn't hear. I didn't know what to do it. If I didn't show him the answers, he might be mad. Henry is my friend. I really don't want to destroy our friendship. But show him the answers would be something which went against my beliefs. During an exam, I tried several ways to guard my answers so that Henry wouldn't be able to see it. I moved myself closer to my desk, and I covered my papers with my arms. After the exam, I explained how I was felt to Henry and promised to help him study before the next exam. Henry understood that and I finally able to breathe again.
【小题9】去掉was或者felt 改为felling
【小题1】act改为acting。第一句“I hate act dishonestly ”,Hate doing sth.表示讨厌做某事。故act改为acting。
【小题2】去掉it。第四句中it在这是一个多余成分。“I didn't know what to do.”意思为:我不知道该做什么。故去掉it。
【小题3】don’t改为didn’t。第七句“I really don't want to destroy our friendship.”文章的主时态是过去时。故don’t改为didn’t。
【小题4】show改为showing。第八句中“Show him the answer”在这做主语,应为动名词。故show改为showing。
【小题5】which改为that。第八句“……be something which went against my beliefs.”是一个定语从句。当定语从句中先行词something,all等代词时,只能用that不能用which。故which改为that。
【小题6】an改为the。第九句“During an exam”这里的exam是指上文中出现过的exam,是一个特指,所以要用不定冠词the来修饰。故an改为the。
【小题7】it改为them。第九句“Henry wouldn't be able to see it.”由文中“guard my answers”可知,答案是复数,这里it指代的是答案,所以要用it的复数形式,并且see后面要接宾格,故it改为them。
【小题8】papers改为paper。第十句“I covered my papers with my arms.”此处paper表示卷子,卷子是单数。故papers改为paper。
【小题9】去掉was或者felt 改为felling。倒数第二句此处was和felt都是过去式,不符合语法规则。故去掉was或者felt 改为felling。
【小题10】it后面加was。最后一句里面“I finally able to breathe again.”
Be able to表示:可能做某事,固定搭配。故it后面加was。