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【小题1】Laughter is beneficial to health and perhaps this e________ the long lives of some famous comedians such as Bob Hope and George Burns.
【小题2】You always hear about planes being delayed because of t__________ problems.
【小题3】China has always been trying to s__________ its economic ties with European countries.
【小题4】The twins are so alike that I can hardly tell them a________.
【小题5】At the meeting, he expressed his a__________ for the kindness we had done for his team.
【小题6】The s________ of innocent people caused by the war cannot be compensated for by money.
【小题7】When you laugh, the muscles p_________ in the laugh become active, which is like a deep-breathing exercise.
【小题8】Although it happened many years ago, it still remains in the d_________ of my soul.
【小题9】He is such a c_______ boys, always asking questions about the world around him.
【小题10】More than half the staff are t________--they will quit when the harvest season ends.