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I went on an     recently, but my trip took me     than I expected.
He could not keep pace     the game, and as a result     his careless playing we lost.
【小题3】虽然可能有点尴尬, 但是如果她真是你最好的朋友,你应该为责怪她而向她道歉。
it may feel awkward, if she really is your best friend you should apologize for     her.
When     about the company’s future, the manager responded without     that he remained optimistic.
Forest fires are often caused by     glass or by cigarette ends which people     throw away.
If you take     consideration the money you’ll spend on    , this house is a little bit expensive.
They think of     businessmen     from their responsibilities, and only worrying about money.
【小题8】后来,我假装很开心,但汉娜还是觉察到哪儿有点不对劲 。
Afterwards, I      to be cheerful, but Hannah     something was wrong.
Their opinions            each other on this matter.
In     of all that has been said, the tourists have been     leaves and cutting their names on the tree-trunk.
答案:【小题1】excursion; longer
【小题2】with; of
【小题3】While/Although/Though; blaming
【小题4】asked; hesitation
【小题5】broken; carelessly/casually
【小题6】into; repairs
【小题7】greedy; hiding
【小题8】pretended; sensed
【小题9】conflicted; with
【小题10】spite; picking
【小题1】excursion; longer 短途旅行go on an excursion;比……长,longer than…。
【小题2】with; of跟的上keep pace with;由于,因为as aresult of。
【小题3】While/Although/Though; blaming尽管While/Although/Though;责怪blame,位于介词后要用动名词形式blaming。
【小题4】asked; hesitation当被问起,when asked;毫不犹豫without hesitation。
【小题5】broken; carelessly/casually 破碎的玻璃broken glasses;随手的,随意的carelessly/casually。
【小题6】into; repairs考虑某事take (sth. )into consideration;维修repairs。
【小题7】greedy; hiding贪婪的greedy;逃避,hide from,先行词businessmen和hide之间是主动关系,故此处要用现在分词作定语修饰businessmen。
【小题8】pretended; sensed假装做某事pretend to do sth.;感觉到sense,此处时态为一般过去时,故用sensed。
【小题9】conflicted; with与……冲突conflicted with。
【小题10】spite; picking尽管in spite of;摘pick,此处时态为现在完成进行时,故填picking。