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In the movie Cast Away, Tom Hanks     a man named Chunk Noland. Chunk is a businessman who is always      busy that he has little time for his friends. One day Chunk is on a      across the Pacific Ocean when suddenly his plane crashes. Chunk survives the crash and     a deserted island.
On the island, Chunk has to learn to survive all     . He has to learn how to collect water, hunt for food, and make fire. Perhaps the most difficult challenge is      to survive without friends.       survive, Chunk develop a friendship with     friend----a volleyball he calls Wilson.
Chunk learns a lot about himself when he is alone on the island. He realizes that he hasn’t been a very good friend      he has always been thinking about himself. During his five years on the island, Chunk learns how to be a good friend to Wilson    Wilson is just a volleyball. Chunk learns that we need friends to     happiness and sorrow, and that it is important to have someone to care about. He also learns that he    more about his friends. When he makes friends with Wilson, he understands that friendship is about   and that we must give as much as we take.
The lesson we can    Chunk and all the others who have unusual friends is that friends are teachers. Friendship helps us understand who we are, why we need each other and      we can do for each other.
A.addsB.playsC.showsD. joins
A.lands onB.hides awayC.jumps toD.finds
A.So thatB.In order toC.In order thatD.So
A.an unusualB.a popularC.a lovelyD.a usual
A.has caredB.should careC.should have careD.could have cared
A.set downB.learnC.learn fromD.study
【小题1】考查动词和语境理解.. A. adds 增加;补充说B. plays 玩耍;扮演角色C. shows 展示D.  joins加入。在电影《荒岛余生》中,汤姆汉克斯扮演了查克这个角色。选B。
【小题2】A. such 如此+冠词B. too 太,非常  C. so 如此+形容词  D. well好的。查克是一个商人总是非常忙以至于没有时间和朋友相处。so busy that如此忙以至于,选C.。
【小题3】A. boat 船只B. train 火车C. car 汽车D. plane飞机。有一天查克搭乘的航班飞越太平洋,突然飞机坠毁了。选D.。
【小题4】A. lands on  着陆B. hides away 藏起来  C. jumps to 跳上去D. finds发现。查克在事故中幸存,着落到一个荒芜的小岛上。选A.。
【小题5】A. lonely 孤独B. alone 独自一人C. along 沿着D. long长的。在岛上,查克学会了独自生存。选B。
【小题6】A .how 如何B. when  何时C. where 哪里D. who谁。最难的挑战就是如何在没有朋友的情况下活下来。选A.。
【小题7】A. So that 为了+句子B. In order to 为了+动词原形C. In order that 为了+句子 D. So如此+形容词 。为了生存,查克和一个排球成为了朋友。选B。
【小题8】A. an unusual 一个不寻常B. a popular 一个受欢迎的C. a lovely一个可爱的 D. a usual一个普通的。查克和一个不寻常的朋友建立了友谊,它是一个排球。选A.。
【小题9】A. when 当时B. while当时+延续性动词 C. since 自从;因为 D. because因为。他意识到自己不是一个很好的朋友,因为以前总是只考虑自己。选D.。
【小题10】A. if 如果B. even甚至    C. but 但是D. though尽管。在岛上的五年里,他学会了怎样成为威尔逊的朋友,尽管威尔逊只是一个排球。选D.。
【小题11】A. share  分享B. calm 冷静C. list  列表D. give给予。查克明白了我们都需要朋友与我们同甘共苦。选A.。
【小题12】A. has cared 关心 B. should care 应该关心C. should have care  本应该关心 D. could have cared本可以关心。他也明白了自己本应该多关心自己的朋友。选C.。
【小题13】A. reasons  理由B. feelings 感受 C. feel  感觉D. advice建议。当和威尔逊成为朋友后,他理解了友谊是一种感受。给予才能有回报。选B。
【小题14】A. set down 记下 B. learn 得知 C. learn from 从中学习D. study学习。我们可以从中学到的教训是朋友就是老师。选C.。
【小题15】考查连词和语境理解。. A. how 如何B. which 那一个C. that 连接词D. what什么。友谊帮助我们明白我们是谁,我们为什么需要彼此,我们能为彼此做些什么。选D.。