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【小题1】The mailman d___________ mails twice a day in this area.
【小题2】Recently plenty of rice grown in that country has been e _________ to many other countries.
【小题3】The bird was caught in the net and was s___________ to get free.
【小题4】He is a f________ as an artist, but a success as a teacher.
【小题5】If we work with a strong will, we can o________ any difficulty, no matter how great it is.
【小题6】We shouldn’t be unhappy about being b ________ off — many families are much poorer than we are.
【小题7】I am c______________ that you’ll succeed as long as you keep on trying.
【小题8】T________ to his timely help, we were able to arrive before it was completely dark.
【小题7】convinced /certain
【小题1】这个邮递员每天在这个地区收发两次邮件。陈述现在的状态用一般现在时,主语是单数,谓语也用单数填 delivers。
【小题4】作为艺术家他是一个失败者,做老师很成功。“一个失败者”填 failure。
【小题6】我们不应该因为贫穷而不开心,有很多家庭比我们过得还要艰难。贫穷填badly off。
【小题7】我确信只要你坚持就一定能够成功。be动词后用形容词convinced /certain 。
【小题8】多亏他的及时帮助,我们能在天黑前赶到。多亏Thanks to。