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simple, harmful, gift, settle, caught,
surrounded, rather, managed, distance, unlike,
【小题1】It’s      him to be late. He is usually on time.
【小题2】Fruit juices can be      to children’s teeth.
【小题3】Ms Green told the children to      down and begin their study.
【小题4】We visited the Lake of Heaven in Changbaishan, which is      by 16 mountain peaks.
【小题5】The shoes we wear should be comfortable     than pretty when we go climbing.
【小题6】Mozart had a      for music, which was predicted (预见) by his father in his early age.
【小题7】To my delight, I      sight of my old friend in the street today, for we hadn’t seen each other for many years.
【小题8】They tried again and again and finally they      to carry out the experiment successfully.
【小题9】In the      is a tall building whose top is designed in the shape of a hat.
【小题10】Though Marie Curie received two Nobel Prizes, she still led a     life.
【小题3】考查动词。settle,动词,安定下来。settle down,(使)安定,(使)安静。句意:格林老师让学生们安静下来去学习。故选settle。
【小题4】考查动词。be surrounded by,被…包围。句意:我们到了长白山天池。它被16个山峰所环绕。故选surrounded。
【小题5】考查固定搭配。rather than,而不是,宁可…也不愿意。句意:在爬山的时候,鞋子的舒适度比美观性更重要。故选rather。
【小题6】考查名词搭配。have a gift for,在…有天赋,有…的天分。句意:在爬山的时候,鞋子的舒适度比美观性更重要。故选gift。
【小题7】考查动词。catch sight of,看见。句意:今天在街上,我很高兴,看到了很久不见的一个朋友。时态为一般过去时,故选caught。
【小题8】考查动词。manage to do sth,设法完成某事。句意:他们反复尝试,最终实验成功。故填managed。
【小题9】考查名词短语。in the distance,在远处,在很远的地方。沉迷于。句意:在远处,有一个高的建筑物,房顶被设计成了帽子的形状。故选distance。
【小题10】考查形容词。lead a simple life,过着简朴的生活。句意:尽管居里夫人获得了两次诺贝尔奖,但她依然过着简朴的生活。故选simple。