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翻译语篇 (5小题,计5分)
Dear Jenny,
I am very busy on Thursday. 【小题1】在八点钟,我上语文课. My teacher says it’s useful. But I think it is difficult. At 9:00 I have science. 【小题2】It is difficult but interesting.  After that ,I have history at 10:00. And I have PE at 11:00. It’s easy and fun. 【小题3】Lunch is from 12:00---1:00. After lunch, I have English. I like it best. Our English teacher, Miss Green, is great fun. 【小题4】My classes finish at 4:30.
How about you? When are your classes? 【小题5】你最喜欢的科目是什么?
Your friend,
Liu Yu
答案:【小题1】At 8:00,I have Chinese.
【小题5】What’s your favorite subject?
【小题1】因为这里叙述的是平时就八点上班,所以句子用一般现在时,在某个时间点用介词at,上课用have+科目,故用At 8:00,I have Chinese.
【小题3】这里是短语from…to…意为“从几点到几点”, 故翻译为:午餐时间是从12点到1点。
【小题4】finish结束,at 4:304点半。故翻译为:4点半,我的课程结束。
【小题5】favorite subject 最喜欢的科目,故翻译为:What’s your favorite subject?