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Mr. Laurence was not allowed to see Beth, and Meg felt unhappy writing letters to her mother saying nothing about Beth’s illness. Jo nursed Beth night and day, but the time came when Beth did not know her and called for her mother. Jo was frightened, and Meg begged to be allowed to write the truth, but Hannah said there was no danger yet. Then a letter came saying that Mr. March was worse and could not think of coming home for a long time.
How dark the days seemed. How sad and lonely. The sisters worked and waited as the shadow of death lay over the once happy home. It was then that Meg realized how rich she had been in the things which really mattered—love, peace, good health. And Jo, watching her little sister, thought about how unselfish Beth always was—living for others and trying to make home a happy place for all who came there. Amy, sad and lonely at Aunt March’s house, just wanted to come home so that she could do something to help Beth.
On the first day of December, the doctor came in the morning. He looked at Beth, then said quietly, ‘If Mrs. March can leave her husband, I think she should come home now.’
Jo threw on her coat and ran out into the snow to send a telegram. When she arrived back, Laurie came with a letter saying that Mr. March was getting better again. This was good news, but Jo’s face was so unhappy that Laurie asked, ‘What is it? Is Beth worse?’
‘I’ve sent for Mother,’ said Jo, beginning to cry. ‘Beth doesn’t know us any more.’
Laurie held her hand and whispered, ‘I’m here, Jo. Hold on to me. Your mother will be here soon, and then everything will be all right.’
【小题1】Meg had to write to her mother because _________ at the moment.
A.her mother was away working in another town
B.her mother was looking after her father in hospital
C.she wanted to tell her about the illness of Beth
D.she knew that her mother was getting worse
【小题2】Which of the following is NOT true about Beth?
A.She finally recovered from the illness.
B.She liked playing the piano very much.
C.She once almost drowned herself in the river.
D.She was shy but devoted to others.
【小题3】Amy _______.
A.was at Aunt March’s house to help with the housework
B.was somewhat self-centered in the earlier part of the story
C.was much older than Beth and liked drawing very much
D.studied all by herself at home instead of going to school
【小题4】From the story we know that _______.
A.Laurie helped Jo publish her story in a newspaper
B.Laurie had been taking care of Mr. March before Beth got ill
C.Laurie and Jo were very good friends to each other
D.Laurie and Jo got married in the end
【小题1】推理判断题。根据第一段“Then a letter came saying that Mr. March was worse and could not think of coming home for a long time.”和第三段“If Mrs. March can leave her husband, I think she should come home now.”可知,Meg的母亲在照顾生病的丈夫马奇先生,故选B。
【小题4】细节理解题。根据最后一段“Laurie held her hand and whispered, ‘I’m here, Jo. Hold on to me. Your mother will be here soon”可知,Laurie是Jo的朋友,故选C。