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【小题1】Tomatoes can        the risk of certain cancers and heart disease.
【小题2】I can’t        my studies with all that noise going on.
【小题3】If you are suffering from any eye problems, c       a doctor before taking any medicine.
【小题4】It is reported that there may be water on the newly found planet and NASA (美国国家航空航天局)c    the news today.
【小题5】While I admit Adam’s good points in his report, I can see some s       because some of his points are impractical(不实际).
【小题6】The news said a man called 911 and        a story about being robbed(抢劫) in order that he could get a ride home.
【小题7】His writing is so confusing (混乱的)that it’s difficult to        what he is trying to express.
【小题8】My daughter was born with honey in her mouth! She can     me      doing just about anything she wants me to do.
【小题9】David was good at       the computers.
【小题10】Michael stayed up(熬夜) late studying before the examination and it       . He got an A.
【小题2】concentrate on
【小题6】made up
【小题7】make out
【小题8】talk, into
【小题10】paid off
【小题2】concentrate on。集中注意力于…。句意:在持续的嘈杂声中我不能集中注意力于学习上了。故填concentrate on
【小题3】consult。咨询,商量,consult sb:咨询某人;consul with sb:与..商量。句意:如果你眼睛还有问题,就在服药前先咨询下医生。故填consult
【小题6】made up。编造。句意:这则新闻说一个男人呼叫911并编造了一个关于被抢劫的故事是为了能够搭顺风车回家。因为为过去式,故填made up
【小题7】make out。理解,弄明白。句意:他写的如此混乱以至于很难理解他想表述什么。故填make out
【小题8】talk, into。talk sb into:说服…。句意:我女儿生来便是说话像蜜一样甜,她能够说服我做任何她想要我做的事情。故填talk, into
【小题9】operating。operate:操作,做手术。句意:大卫很擅长操作电脑。be good at doing:擅长做什么…。故填operating。
【小题10】paid off。成功,奏效。句意:Michael在考试前熬夜学习到很晚而且也奏效了,他考试得到了一个A。因为是过去时。故填paid off。