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My grandma isc【小题1】Zhu Jinping. She is sixty-one and she lives【小题2】my grandpa in a flat in the centre of Beijing. She loves children and animals,【小题3】(尤其是)cats, although she【小题4】their claws! Her【小题5】(特别喜爱的)thing to eat is yoghurt with honey. She doesn’t like food she has to chew too much ­­­­_【小题6】her teeth aren’t strong! She never【小题7】TV except for the news. Grandma is very p【小题8】with her neighbours, maybe because【小题9】is so helpful. For e【小题10】,she often looks after children for people in her apartment block. Babies love sitting on her lap! She devotes a lot of her time to caring the neighbours.
【小题6】because(for, as, since)
【小题1】called。call sb:叫,称呼为。句意:我祖母叫朱金萍。因为把sb提前了,所以用被动。故填called。
【小题2】with。live with:与…生活在一起。句意:她和我祖父生活在北京市中心的一栋公寓里。故填with。
【小题6】because(for, as, since)。句意:她不喜欢咀嚼太多的食物,因为她的牙齿不怎么坚固了。故填because(for, as, since)
【小题7】watches。wacth TV:固定搭配,看电视。句意:她看电视只看新闻。因为一般现在时,且与第三人称连用。故填watches。
【小题8】popular。be popular with:受欢迎的。句意:祖母很受邻居的欢迎。由后面的helpful可推知因为她对大家很有帮助所以很受欢迎。故填popular
【小题9】she。从后面she often looks after children for people可知她经常帮助人们照顾孩子所以她是对大家有帮助的,且前面有grandma,故用she指代grandma。故填she
【小题10】example。for example:举例。由后文she often looks after children for people in her apartment block她帮助照顾孩子这个事情是前面so helpful的一个论据。故填example。