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Mozilla has shown off a prototype(雏形) for a $25 (£15) smart phone that is aimed at the developing world.
The company, which is famed mostly for its Firefox browser(浏览器), has partnered with the Chinese low-cost chip maker Spreadtrum.
While not as powerful as more expensive models, the phone will run apps and make use of mobile internet.
It would appeal to the sorts of people who currently buy cheap “feature” phones, analysts said.
Feature phones are highly popular in the developing world as a halfway point between “dumb” phones --- just voice calls and other basic functions --- and fully-developed smart phones.
Mozilla hopes that it will take an early lead in a market that is now being targeted by mobile phone producers who see the developing world as the remaining area for massive growth.
It will face fierce competition from bigger, more popular brands, however --- with more announcements of this kind expected over the course of the next couple of days at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona.
“These solutions expand the global accessibility of open web smart phones to first-time and entry-level smart phone buyers by reducing the time and cost required for handset makers to bring these phones to market,” said Spreadtrum in a press statement.
Mozilla said the phone “redefines”(重新定义) the entry-level phone market.
The concept of a cheap smart phone may seem likely to appeal to consumers in developed countries, particularly those who locked into long contracts in order to pay part of the cost of the likes of the Apple iPhone and Samsung Galaxy range.
But analyst Carolina Milanesi, from Kantar World panel, said it should not be seen as a competitor.
【小题1】Which of the following is true about the $25 smart phone?
A.It has all the functions of an iPhone.
B.It is specially designed for the developed world.
C.It will attract the present “feature” phone users.
D.It is made by the Chinese low-cost chip maker Spreadtrum.
【小题2】What is the feature of a “feature” phone?
A.Though cheap, it can completely replace the iPhone.
B.It is just used for voice calls and other basic functions.
C.It has nearly all the functions of a fully-developed smart phone.
D.Its functions are between those of a “dumb” phone and a fully-developed smart phone.
【小题3】We can learn from the text that at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona ________.
A.new cheap smart phones will beat high-end ones
B.the $25 smart phone coming from Mozilla will be the best seller
C.quite a few companies will announce their new cheap smart phones
D.Mozilla will be the only company to announce its new cheap smart phone
【小题4】Which of the following held a negative attitude towards the cheap smart phone?
C.Samsung. D.Carolina Milanesi.
【小题1】细节理解题。可用排除法。选项A,从文中第三段While not as powerful as more expensive models,然而不是和更昂贵的手机一样强大,故A不正确。选项B,从文中第一段Mozilla has shown off a prototype(雏形) for a $25 (£15) smart phone that is aimed at the developing world. Mozilla公司展示了价值25美元的智能手机的雏形,这种手机致力于销往整个在发展的世界,而B说法片面,故不正确。选项D,从中第二段The company, which is famed mostly for its Firefox browser(浏览器), has partnered with the Chinese low-cost chip maker Spreadtrum.可知Mozilla公司的合作伙伴是中国低成本的芯片制造者Spreadtrum,且文中并未提到the $25 smart phone的制造者是谁?故D不正确。选项C, 从文中第四段It would appeal to the sorts of people who currently buy cheap “feature” phones, analysts said.可知,这种手机会吸引目前想买便宜的性能手机的人。故选C。
【小题2】 细节理解题。从文中第五段Feature phones are highly popular in the developing world as a halfway point between “dumb” phones --- just voice calls and other basic functions --- and fully-developed smart phones.性能手机高度受欢迎,是在无声音手机——仅仅有语音通话和别的基本功能——和全发达是智能手机之间的一个转折点。可知选C。
【小题3】细节分析题。排除法。结合文章第七段来分析:A项,新型便宜智能手机会打败高端手机,文中未提到这一点,故A不正确。B项,Mozilla公司的the $25 smart phone 会成为最好的卖家,文章提到此类便宜智能手机会面临来自更大,更流行品牌的激烈竞争,故不B正确。D项,with more announcements of this kind expected over the course of the next couple of days at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona.这种很受期待的便宜智能手机,有许多公司都会公布。故D不正确。故C项正确,故选C。
【小题4】 细节分析题。从文中最后一段的But analyst Carolina Milanesi, from Kantar World panel, said it should not be seen as a competitor., Carolina Milanesi,认为便宜的智能手机不应该被视作一个竞争者。故选D。