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I’ve always known that dogs are clever, but even I was surprised when I heard about a dog called Red, at the Battersea Dog’s Home in London.
The home has been caring for lost and unwanted animals for over 140 years. Recently, the staff there got a shock when they came to work in the morning. They found that some of the dogs had got out of their kennels(狗窝) during the night, opened cupboards and taken out food and toys. And it happened again and again. The manager described how as many as nine dogs were escaping every night. “ When we came in, dogs were running around having fun and causing a lot of mess. ”
Someone or something was unlocking (开锁) the kennels during the night. The manager decided to put in cameras to record how the dogs were getting out.
When she and her staff played back the recording, they saw Red, a three-year-old dog, put his nose through the bars of his kennel and use his teeth to press the button(按钮) that opened his door. That was clever enough, but Red did more: he unlocked the kennels next to his and let the dogs out too. The group broke into cupboards and stole dog biscuits and toys to play with.
The manager said, “ It’s surprising that Redworked outhow to open his own kennel and let all his friends out.” I suppose, Red didn’t like to party alone.
The story has a happy ending: after Red was shown on TV, several people came and offered to give him a new home as a family pet.
【小题1】What is the author’s purpose in writing the text?
A.To ask people to look after unwanted dogs.
B.To describe dogs escaping from the Dog’s Home.
C.To give an example of how clever a dog can be.
D.To introduce the work done by the Battersea Dog’s Home.
【小题2】What did Red do after he got out of his kennel at night?
A.He slept in a cupboard.
B.He let the other dogs out.
C.He took biscuits and toys back to the other dogs.
D.He showed the other dogs how to unlock their doors.
【小题3】What can we learn from the text?
A.Red didn’t like being at the Dog’s Home.
B.Red and his friends had a good time when they escaped.
C.Red and his friends enjoyed being recorded by the cameras.
D.Red and the other dogs escaped because they were hungry.
【小题4】The underlined phrase “ worked out” in paragraph 5 means        .
A.found the way and dealt with
B.made the plan of
C.thought carefully about
D.was ready for
【小题5】Which of the following was the topic of the TV program about Red?
A.A dog that can unlock doors.
B.A night when kennels were unlocked.
C.Parties for the missing dogs.
D.Battersea Dog’s Home.
【小题1】C。主旨归纳题。第一段I’ve always known that dogs are clever,提出中心狗是聪明的,后面就列举了一个事例。故选C
【小题2】B。细节题。根据倒数第三段he unlocked the kennels next to his and let the dogs out too.可知它还放跑了其它的动物。故选B
【小题3】B。细节题。根据第二段dogs were running around having fun及倒数第三段he group broke into cupboards..play with.可知逃跑后玩的很愉快。故选B
【小题4】A。猜词题。根据倒数第二段how to open his own kennel他如何打开自己狗屋的门是令人吃惊的,最终是想到了办法成功的打开了,work out:解决。故选A
【小题5】A。Red的出奇之处在于它能够 open his own kennel打开自己的狗屋的门,所以节目主题应该也是围绕此展开的。故选A