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【小题1】It is important to keepc       in time of danger.
【小题2】I said hello to her, but shei      me completely and walked on.
【小题3】Although Tim and Mike came frome       different backgrounds, they
became close friends.
【小题4】His mother is ill. He isc       about her health.
【小题5】Mandela took ana       part in the struggle for independence.
【小题6】In that big fire all their houses were completely        (毁了), so they had to build new ones.
【小题7】The new model sells well because it is of good        (质量)and the price is low.
【小题8】Please remember as many words and         (词语、表达) as possible.
【小题9】The president made an         (正式的,官方的) visit to China last month.
【小题10】The famous film star wore a pair of large sunglasses so that people wouldn’t         (认出)her.
试题分析: 这道题目主要考查了学生对单词的熟悉程度,包括与单词相关的搭配及其各种词性形式。
【小题1】calm。句意:在困境时保持冷静是很重要的。calm:冷静,镇定,calm down:使..冷静;keep calm:保持冷静。故填calm
【小题2】ignored。句意:我和她打招呼,但是她完全无视我径直走了过去。ignore:忽略,忽视。be of ignorance:无知的,由于是过去时态。故填ignored
【小题4】concerned。句意:他的妈妈病了,他担心他妈妈的健康。be concerned about:担心..;concerned作前置定语时,意为担忧的,作为后置定语时,意为相关的。故填concerned
【小题5】active。句意:Mandela积极的参加了独立运动。take an active part in:积极参加..。故填active
【小题8】expressions。句意:请记住用尽可能多的话表达。as..as possible:尽可能的。expression:表述,表情。因是可数名词。故填expressions