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A lot more people are about to get a chance to buy Google Glass. It’s the Internet-connected eyewear that has become the hottest sale.
Google will sell the “Explorer” version(版本) of Glass to any U.S. person who places an online order for the device beginning at 9am. PDT April 15. The product will cost $1,500. Google is saying how many sets of Glass will be available during the limited-time offer.
This version of Glass, though, still isn’t the perfect product that Google hopes to sell in stores later this year.
For now, Google is still trying to recruit(招聘) more people willing to serve as volunteers for its attempt to build a wearable device that features some of the same feature as a smart phone. “ Our Explorers are moms, bakers, surgeons, rockers, and each new Explorer has brought a new view that is making Glass better,” Google said.
The device has a small screen attached above the right eye. A user can check e-mails, see Twitter post or get directions without having to use a phone. It can also take hands-free photos and video through voice-activated(声控的) commands. The ability to record images so easily has raised safely concerns about drivers wearing Glass. The lawmakers have to draw up new rules forbidding use of the device in moving vehicles.
Google regards Glass as a breakthrough(突破). It will make it easier for people to surf the Internet while on the go. They also hope that the device could help police officers, firefighters, doctors and reporters do their jobs better.
【小题1】What is special about Google Glass?
A.People can only order it online.
B.It’s cheaper than the ordinary glasses.
C.People can explore the Internet with it.
D.It doesn’t contain any actual glass in the future.
【小题2】Google is still trying to recruit more volunteers to _____________.
A.improve their products
B.sell their products
C.advertise their products
D.wear their products
【小题3】We can use Google Glass to do the following EXCEPT_____________.
A.check e-mailsB.make a call
C.take videoD.find your way
【小题4】What problem may Google Glass bring to people?
A.Its screen is too small for people to surf the Internet.
B.It may cause traffic accidents if people use it while driving.
C.Users must use their hands to take photos.
D.It is difficult for many people to learn to use.
【小题1】细节分析题。从“Google regards Glass as a breakthrough(突破). It will make it easier for people to surf the Internet while on the go.”可以看出人们可以戴着这个眼镜上网,这就是该产品的特别之处,故选C。
【小题2】细节分析题。从第四段中的“ For now, Google is still trying to recruit(招聘) more people willing to serve as volunteers for its attempt to build a wearable device that features some of the same feature as a smart phone. ”可以看出谷歌仍然在召集志愿者以此来提高产品的性能,故选A。
【小题3】.推断分析题。从文中倒数第二段中的“ A user can check e-mails, see Twitter post or get directions without having to use a phone.”可以该产品还不能够打电话,故选B。
【小题4】.细节分析题。从倒数第二段中“The ability to record images so easily has raised safely concerns about drivers wearing Glass. ”中可以看出司机如果戴上此设备可能会引发交通事故,故选B。