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Actually all languages change and develop when cultures meet and _______ ________ each other.
【小题2】What did you                  (挖出) from under the high tower over there?
After                college, he was sent to work in a factory in his hometown.
Women are not only allowed, but _______ a very important ______ in it.
They all climbed up the mountain ________ ________ of the missing girl.
答案:【小题1】communicate with
【小题2】dig out
【小题3】graduating/ graduation from
【小题4】play;part / role
【小题5】in search
【小题1】communicate with。根据中文可知英文中少了交流一词,communicate with each other:相互交流。故填communicate with
【小题2】dig out。句意:在那边的高塔下你挖出了什么?dig out:挖掘出,找出,发现。dig的过去式过去分词皆为dug。故填dig out
【小题3】graduating/ graduation from。根据中文可知所填的意思为从..毕业。graduate from:毕业于..。因在介词after后。故填graduating/graduation from
【小题4】play;part / role。根据中文可知英文所缺词义为起作用。play a part/role in:在..中起作用。故填play;part / role
【小题5】。根据中文可知英文所缺词义为搜寻。search:研究。in search of="search" for:搜寻,寻找。故填in search