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【小题1】 both , very, they , hard , study
【小题2】doesn’t , as , LiuYing , fast, her, as , run , brother
【小题3】best, town, store, in, is, the, which, clothes
【小题4】he, carefully, how, studying, is
【小题5】 make, you, how, milk, a, banana, do, shake
答案:【小题1】They both study very hard.
【小题2】LiuYing doesn’t run as fast as her brother.
【小题3】Which is the best clothes in town?
【小题4】How carefully he is studying!
【小题5】How do you make a banana milk shake?
【小题1】主语they位于句首,both位于实义动词之前。work是谓语。very hard是副词短语,修饰动词work,位于其后。故此句为:They both study very hard.
【小题2】主语Liu Ying位于句首,助动词doen’t修饰谓语run, 位于主语和谓语之间。as fast as “和......一样快”,后接比较对象,作为状语位于动词run之后。故此句为LiuYing doesn’t run as fast as her brother.
【小题3】根据问号可知此处是一个问句。疑问词which位于句首。系动词is作为谓语,the best clothes是is的表语。in  town作为地点状语位于句末。故此句为:Which is the best clothes in town?
【小题4】根据感叹号可知这是一个感叹句。按照感叹句How+副词+主语+谓语!的词序排列为:How carefully he is studying!
【小题5】根据问号可知此处是一个问句。疑问词how位于句首,助动词do位于主语you和疑问词how之间。make a banana milk shake作为谓语,放在主语you之后。故此句为:How do you make a banana milk shake?