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A farmer grew some vegetables in his garden. One day his wife was ill and he had no money. He had to sell some cabbages and carrots in the market. The next morning he took two baskets of vegetables to town. But it was raining hard that afternoon and there were few people in the street. When his vegetables were sold out, it was dark. He bought some medicine and hurried to his village.
On his way home he saw a person lying on the snow. He placed his baskets on the ground and was going to help the person to get up. At that time he found it was a dead man and there was much blood on his body. He was so afraid that he ran away quickly, without taking the baskets with him.
The next afternoon the farmer was sent to the police station. Having shown the baskets, an officer asked: “Are these yours?” “Yes, sir.” the farmer answered timidly(胆怯地)。”Have you killed the man?” “No, no, sir.” the farmer said in a hurry.” When did you see the dead man?” ”About seven last evening.” “Did you see who killed the man?” “No, Sir.” The officer brought out a knife and asked, “Have you seen it yet?” ”No, Sir.’ The officer became angry and told the policemen to beat him up and send him into prison.
That evening the officer went on trying .Pointing to the knife, he asked again,” Have you seen it yet?” ”Yes, Sir.” The officer was happy and asked,” When and where?” “I saw it here this afternoon, sir.”
【小题1】The farmer decided to sell the vegetables to          .
A.buy some food for his family
B.buy some medicine for his wife
C.go to see a doctor
D.go to the cinema
【小题2】The farmer didn’t sell out his vegetables until the evening because          .
A.they were too bad
B.they were very expensive
C.it rained hard that morning
D.few people liked to go out on such a bad day
【小题3】As          , the farmer decided to help the person to stand up.
A.he wanted to get some money from him.
B.the person was one of his friends
C.he thought the person would thank him.
D.he thought the person had drunk too much
【小题4】The farmer ran away quickly because          .
A.the policemen were coming towards him.
B.his wife was waiting for him at home
C.he was afraid to see a dead man.
D.it was so late that he couldn’t stay there any longer.
【小题1】B 细节题。根据文章第一段第2句和最后一句One day his wife was ill and he had no money. He had to sell some cabbages and carrots in the market.和He bought some medicine and hurried to his village.可知他为了买药给妻子才去卖菜。故B正确。
【小题2】D 推理题。根据第一段第5句But it was raining hard that afternoon and there were few people in the street.可知因为下雨,所以街上没有什么人。因为人们都不愿意在下雨天外出。故D正确。
【小题3】D 推理题。本题使用排除法,文章里并没有提及他想要得到钱,排除A项;也没有提到这个人是他的朋友,排除B项;也没有说帮助对方以后对方会感谢他,排除C项。当我们看见一个人躺倒在地,我们很可能会认为他是喝醉了。故D正确。
【小题4】C 细节题。根据第二段第4句He was so afraid that he ran away quickly, without taking the baskets with him.可知他看见这个人死了,非常害怕。所以跑了。故C正确。