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【小题1】Hundreds of people are still in the water, waiting to be ______________ (营救,援救).
【小题2】______________ (判断) from his accent, he is an American.
【小题3】No words are strong enough to ____________(表达) our thanks to those who helped us.
【小题4】Little Tony ______________ (坚持要求) that his mother should send him to school.
【小题5】Lucy and Mary are sisters. The former is a teacher; the ______________ (后者) is an engineer.
【小题6】I am ______________ (感激的) to you for your timely help.
【小题7】As the only survivor of the big fire, she looked ______________ (惊恐的).
【小题8】To my shock, the balloon ______________ suddenly(爆裂).
【小题2】考查固定搭配。句意:从他的口音来看,他来自美国。judge from/by根据......判断,故填Judging。
【小题5】考查固定搭配。the former前者,the latter后者,故填latter。
【小题6】考查形容词。句意:我非常感激你的及时帮助。grateful感激的,be grateful to sb for sth因为某事而感激某人,故填grateful。