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【小题1】It’s good______(礼貌) to help teachers collect and hand out papers.
【小题2】Teachers’ positive r_______ can have great effects on students’ development.
【小题3】She accepted the job without ______ (犹豫).
【小题4】Some people have the wrong ____ (态度) towards people with disabilities.
【小题5】It is important to raise people’s awareness of e______ protection.
【小题6】My mother always gets a bit_______ (焦虑的)if we don’t arrive home on time.
【小题7】With the_______ (目的,意图)of making a large amount of money, many Chinese came to Australia in the 19th century to wash sand for gold.
【小题8】More and more students are b______ (获益) from the new teaching pattern.
【小题9】What he has done is to help the company gain _____ (利润).
【小题10】Obviously,the book is i_____(为......准备) for children aged between three and six.
【小题10】intended专为……准备,设计的,be intended for。故填intended。