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John and Mary had a nice home and two lovely children,a boy and a girl. John had a good ____ and had just been asked to go on a business trip to another city and it was ____ that Mary needed an outing and would go along too. They ____ a reliable woman to care for the children and made the ____,returning home a little earlier than they had planned.
____ they drove into their hometown,they found a home in flames. Mary said,“Oh well,it isn't our fire;let's go home.”
____ John drove closer and exclaimed,“That home belongs to Fred Jones who works at the plant. He wouldn't be ____ work yet. Maybe there is something we could do.”
John drove up and stopped and they were both ____ to see the whole house in flames. A woman on the lawn was in hysterics ____,“The children!Get the children!They are in the basement.”
____ Mary's protests,John grabbed the water hose and soaked(浸湿)his clothes,put his wet handkerchief on his head and ____ for the basement which was full of ____.He found two nearly suffocated(窒息的)children and after carrying them to safety,he asked how many more children were ____ there. They told him two more and Mary ____ his arm and screamed,“John!Don't go back!It's ____!That house will cave in any second!”
But he shook her off and went back by ____ his way down the smoke-filled hallway and into the room. It ____ a long time before he found both children and started back and at last when they came out into the ____ and fresh air,he found that he had just ____ his own children.
It turned out that the baby­sitter had ___ them at this home while she did some shopping.
A.offB.onC.out ofD.at
A.Apart fromB.In case ofC.Instead ofD.In spite of
【小题1】A 考查名词辨析。A工作;B家庭;C妻子;D老板。John had a good ___ and had just been asked to go on a business trip to another city…约翰有一个不错的工作,而且要求去另一个城市出差。故选A。
【小题2】C 考查动词辨析。A知道,了解;B相信;C决定;D希望。it was ____ that Mary needed an outing and would go along too.而玛丽也决定出去一段时间去短途旅行。故选C。
【小题3】B 考查动词辨析。A询问;B雇佣;C打算,想要;D提醒,使…想起。They ____ a reliable woman to care for the children…他们想要雇佣一个可信赖的女士来照顾孩子们。故选B。
【小题4】D 考查名词辨析。A准备;B许诺,承诺;C决定;D旅行。…and made the ____,returning home a little earlier than they had planned.他们要雇佣一个可信赖的女士来照顾孩子们,使他们的旅行能够早一点结束并且在他们的计划之前回来。故选D。
【小题5】B 考查介词辨析。A在…之前;B当,正如…;C一旦;D自从。____ they drove into their hometown,they found a home in flames.当他们开回他们的家乡时,他们发现一座房子起火了。故选B。
【小题6】D 考查连词辨析。A和,并;B所以;C现在,此刻;D但是。____ John drove closer and exclaimed…当玛丽说起火的不是他们的房子要离开时,但是约翰却开近那座房子并且大声叫到…故选D。
【小题7】A考查固定搭配。A.be off work表示不在工作;B.be on work表示正在工作;C.be out of work表示离开工作;D.be at work没有此搭配。 He wouldn't be ____ work yet. Maybe there is something we could do.约翰说道“他应该还在工作,或许我们可以帮他做点什么”,用双重否定表示肯定,故选A。
【小题8】C 考查形容词辨析。A心碎的;B内疚的,良心不安的;C吓坏的,战栗的;D为贫穷所困的,非常贫穷的。…they were both ____ to see the whole house in flames他们看到整个房子都是火化时都吓坏了。故选C。
【小题9】B 考查动词辨析。A咳嗽;B尖叫;C低声说;D笑。A woman on the lawn was in hysterics ____,“The children!Get the children!They are in the basement.”一个坐在草坪上的女士在歇斯底里的尖叫到“孩子们,快去救孩子们,他们在地下室”。故选B。
【小题10】D 考查介词短语辨析。A除了…;B以防万一;C而不是,代替;D不管,不顾。____ Mary's protests,John grabbed the water hose and soaked(浸湿)his clothes…不顾玛丽的反对,约翰抓住了水管并且浸湿了他的衣服准备去救孩子们。故选D。
【小题11】C考查动词辨析。A达到;B寻找;C冲进…;D送。…put his wet handkerchief on his head and ____ for the basement which was full of ____.把他湿纸巾放在头上冲进充满烟的地下室。故选C。
【小题12】A 考查名词辨析。A烟;B黑暗;C孩子;D危险。…put his wet handkerchief on his head and ____ for the basement which was full of ____.把他湿纸巾放在头上冲进充满烟的地下室。故选A。
【小题13】D 考查固定搭配。A在…之上;B远离…;C在…外面;D在…下面。he asked how many more children were ____ there约翰问到“有几个孩子在地下室下面”。故选D。
【小题14】C 考查动词辨析。A拉;B带走;C抓住;D举行。They told him two more and Mary ____ his arm and screamed…他们告诉他有多于二个的孩子,玛丽此刻抓住与了约翰的手并且尖叫到。故选C。
【小题15】A 考查形容词辨析。A危险的;B除非…;C结束,在…之上;D笨拙的。Don't go back!It's ____!That house will cave in any second!玛丽叫到“不要回去,太危险了,那个房子随时都可能倒塌”。故选A。
【小题16】B 考查动词辨析。A推;B感觉,摸索;C跳跃;D移动。But he shook her off and went back by ____ his way down the smoke-filled hallway and into the room.但是约翰丢开玛丽的手,返回房子,在充满烟的走廊里摸索着进入房间。故选B。
【小题17】D 考查动词辨析。A意味着;B节约,让出;C花费;D似乎。It ____ a long time before he found both children…在他找到所有的孩子之前似乎是过了好长时间。故选D。
【小题18】B 考查名词辨析。A影子,树荫;B阳光;C阴影;D人群。…and started back and at last when they came out into the ____ and fresh air.约翰最后救了孩子们,并且把他们都从起火的房子里带出来了,重新见到了阳光和新鲜空气。故选B。
【小题19】D 考查动词辨析。A帮助;B发现,找到;C认识到,辨认出;D解救。he found that he had just ___ his own children.当约翰救了所有的孩子后,他发现自己也 救了自己的孩子。故选D。
【小题20】A 考查动词辨析。A离开,遗漏;B指控,付费;C除去,移除;D忘记。It turned out that the baby­sitter had ____ them at this home while she did some shopping.结果是他们雇请的那个保姆在她外出购物时把他们的孩子暂时放在这户人家。故选A。