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【小题2】 对孩子们来说在春天里放风筝是件令人激动的事情。
【小题3】 我们将尽最大的努力为贫困地区的孩子提供食物和衣服。
【小题4】 在过去的几年里,扬州已经发走了巨大的变化。
【小题5】 政府正计划建立更多的自然保护区来保护那些稀有的野生动物。
答案:【小题1】My book is not as/so interesting as his. / His book is more interesting than mine./ My book is less interesting than his.
【小题2】It is exciting for children to fly kites in spring .
【小题3】We will try our best to provide the children in poor areas with food and clothes./
We will try our best to provide food and clothes for the children in poor areas.
【小题4】In the past few years, Yangzhou has changed a lot./ Great changes have taken place in Yangzhou.
【小题5】The government is planning to build more reserves to protect these rare wild animals.
【小题1】这个句子翻译考察的是比较级和词组not...as 的用法。掌握这两点句子不难翻译。故答案为:My book is not as/so interesting as his. / His book is more interesting than mine./ My book is less interesting than his.
【小题2】这个句子翻译考察的是对it is ...for sb to do sth 句式的掌握,再把剩余的对号入座。故答案为:It is exciting for children to fly kites in spring .
【小题3】这个句子翻译考察的是对词组try sb best to do sth 尽某人最大努力做······;故答案为:We will try our best to provide the children in poor areas with food and clothes./
We will try our best to provide food and clothes for the children in poor areas.
【小题4】这个句子考察的是对In the past few years,在过去几年里的记忆,故答案为: In the past few years,Yangzhou has changed a lot./ Great changes have taken place in Yangzhou.
【小题5】这个句子考察词组plan to do 计划做······;以及现在进行时的用法,故答案为:The government is planning to build more reserves to protect these rare wild animals.