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【小题1】They taught           how to chat online when they were 8 years old (自己).
【小题2】There is much __________ (雾) these days, so please drive carefully.
【小题3】He had quite an_______ (糟糕的) day yesterday.
【小题4】We always have a great time          with each other during lunchtime (聊天).
【小题5】It is necessary for everyone to know the ______________( 重要 ) of wetlands.
【小题6】Yangzhou is in the ______________ (east) part of China.
【小题7】He was quite lucky to stay ________ (live) after the accident.
【小题8】If we do nothing, soon there won’t be any pandas ___________ (leave) in the world. .
【小题9】How many ____________(wolf) can you see in the picture?
【小题10】My home is full of people today, because it is my father’s ______________ (fifty) birthday.
【小题1】句意:他们8岁的时候就教会自己如何在网上聊天。主语是they 他们自己,故填themselves
【小题4】句意:我们经常会在午餐的时候聊天。Have a good time doing sth 根据提示,故填chatting
【小题10】句意:今天我的家里来了很多人,因为今天是我父亲的五十大寿。One’s +序数词+birthday某人多少岁生日。根据提示,故填fiftieth