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【小题1】Not only _______________ an admission notice to Beijing University, but he also won a scholarship to study in America.  (receive)
【小题2】It was not until I came here ______________this place was famous for not only its beauty but also its weather.  (come)
【小题3】It really took me quiet a long time ________________after getting off the time capsule to the future. (feet)
【小题4】I still can’t believe that I ________________that I came first in the English speech competition last week.  (take)
【小题5】It was the driver himself ,rather than the passengers,I think, who_____________ the car accident.(blame)
【小题6】Though greatly ____________ us, the professor gave us a warm welcome.(surprise)
【小题7】When coming home after a twenty-day traveling, he was shocked to find his house_________.( break)
【小题8】Have you ever had a case __________stealing something that you have actually never seen? (accuse)
【小题9】 To Prevent water from being polluted once again, the experts suggested that the source of all the water supplies _________(examine).
【小题10】 I disagree that only when people have enough to eat and plenty to wear_____________ to talk about environmental protection.  (make)
答案:【小题1】did Zhou Jie receive
【小题2】that I came to realize(that)
【小题3】to be back on my feet
【小题4】am taking up the fact
【小题5】was to blame for
【小题6】surprised to see
【小题7】broken into/had been broken into
【小题8】where someone accused you of/where you were accused of
【小题9】be examined
【小题10】does it make sense
【小题1】考查倒装句式。由Not only引导的句子要用倒装,助动词提前,根据后面won a scholarship 可知这是发生在过去的事情,所以要用过去时,故填did Zhou Jie receive
【小题2】考查强调句型。It is/was...that是强调句;可以强调除谓语外的任何成分,这里强调的是时间,其中that不能省略,因为是我来到这里之后才意识到,所以要用过去时,故填that I came to realize(that)
【小题3】考察take的用法及固定搭配。It takes/took somebody sometime to do sth表示花费某人一些时间做某事,同时 be back on sb’s feet 表示某人恢复过来,故填to be back on my feet
【小题4】考查动词搭配。Take up the fact 表示接受现实,是固定用法,而句子表达的事“我现在仍然不能接受”,所以应该用现在进行时,故填am taking up the fact
【小题5】考查连词rather than的用法,rather than前后的主谓形式要保持一致,前面用的It was,所以后面应该也是who was,与此同时,to blame for是固定搭配,表达“对什么负责”,故填was to blame for
【小题6】考查倒装的用法。Though引导的句子要进行倒装,本来应该是The professor was greatly surprised to see us,将主谓省略然后进行倒装就变成Though greatly surprised to see us,故填surprised to see
【小题7】考查find的用法和固定搭配。Find后面接宾语+过去分词做宾语补足语,同时,发现已经发生了的事情,可以用过去时或者过去完成时,与此同时,broke into 表示闯入,故填broken into/had been broken into
【小题8】考查where引导的地点状语从句和固定搭配。Case表示这样的情况,用where引导,而accuse of表示控告,是固定搭配,这个事情是发生在过去的,所以用过去时,故填where someone accused you of/where you were accused of
【小题9】考查虚拟语气和被动语态。Suggest 建议,后面的从句用虚拟语气,从句用 should +动词原形,should 可省略,被检查应该用被动语态,故填be examined
【小题10】考察倒装的用法和固定搭配。Only引导的句子后面要用倒转,助动词提前;make sense表示有意义;此处表明观点,应该用现在时,故填does it make sense