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face to face  set down   join in      get along well with   on purpose  come up
such as     at present   a series of    add up to  even if  add up    no longer
【小题1】Karl Max could speak a few foreign languages, __________ Russian and English.
【小题2】You should __________ the language points on the blackboard. They are useful.
【小题3】You can find ___________ English reading materials in the school library.
【小题4】I think the windows were broken ___________ by someone.
【小题5】We’ve chatted online for some time but we have never met ____________.
【小题6】I am very friendly to everyone and _____________ my classmates.
【小题7】___________ more and more people can speak English all over the world.
【小题8】All his schooling ___________ no more than 3months.
【小题9】You must ask for leave first ________ you have something very important.
【小题10】More than 30 students in our class will_________ the discussion.
答案:【小题1】such as
【小题2】set down
【小题3】a series of
【小题4】on purpose
【小题5】face to face
【小题6】get along well with
【小题7】At present
【小题8】added up to
【小题9】even if
【小题10】join i
【小题1】句意:Max会说几种外语,例如俄语和英语。前后是所属关系,故填such as。
【小题2】句意:你应该把黑板上的语言点记下来,它们很重要。set down写下,记下,故填set down。
【小题3】句意:在学校图书馆你可以找到一系列的英语读物。a series of一系列,故填a series of。
【小题4】句意:我认为窗户是有人故意打破的。on purpose故意,有意,故填on purpose。
【小题5】句意:我们在网上聊过天,但是从未见过面。face to face面对面,故填face to face。
【小题6】句意:我对每个人都很友好,和同学们的相处也很融洽。get along well with sb与某人和谐相处,故填get along well with。
【小题7】句意:现在,全世界有越来越多的人会说英语。at present现在,目前,故填At present。
【小题8】句意:他上学的时间加起来不超过三个月。add up to加起来,意味着,故填added up to。
【小题9】句意:即使有要事要办,你也应该先请假。even if即使,故填even if。
【小题10】句意:我们班有30多个学生将参加这次讨论。join in参加一项活动,故填join in。