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【小题1】They are discussing how to build up a ____________(power) government.
【小题2】His angry expression suggested that he ______________(agree) to the decision.
【小题3】If you keep talking _____________(frequent) with your foreign friends, you’ll soon pick up ___________(fluency) English.
【小题4】My parents live in the ____________( east) part of a country.
【小题5】The ____________(express) on her face told me that she didn’t want to discuss it.
【小题6】He made a big mistake because of his _______________(ignore)
【小题7】Please clean the _____________(dust) window after class.
【小题8】She appeared to be angry. _____________(actual), she was pleased.
【小题9】As far as I am _______________(concern), your plan is practical.
【小题3】frequently, fluent
【小题3】考查形容词和副词。修饰动词talk用副词,frequently频繁地,经常;修饰名词English用形容词,fluent流利的,故填frequently, fluent。
【小题4】考查词形转换。east东方,eastern东方的,东部的,表示东西南北的名词后面加ern,变成形容词形式,the eastern part of...“......的东部”,故填eastern。
【小题6】考查词形转换。because of后跟名词,ignore忽视,是动词,ignorance是其名词形式,故填ignorance。
【小题9】考查固定搭配。as far as sb is/are concerned据某人所知,故填concerned。