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_    _ thing happened  __    _ me last Sunday. It was such a beautiful day __    _I drove to go for a look in the country.
On the way back home, my _    _ stopped. It was out of gas on a_    _ road far from a town! I decided to walk until I found someone_    _ could sell some gas. I had walked almost a mile  __    _ I finally found a house near the __    _. I was glad to see it because it was getting dark.
I knocked at the door and a little old lady with long white hair __    __. She said, “I’ve been __    __ for you here for a long time. Come in._    _is almost ready.”
“But I only came for some gas,” I answered. I couldn’t_    _  what she was talking about.
“Oh, Alfred! Gas? You_    _tea,” said she.
I quickly_    _that my car was out of_    _, but she didn’t seem to listen to me. She just kept_    _me Alfred and talking about how long it had been_    _she had seen me. She was acting very strangely and I was anxious to leave. As soon as she went to get tea, I went out of the house as fast as I_    _.
Fortunately, there was another house down the road and I was able to buy the gas I needed. When I told the man about my_    _,he said, “Oh, that’s Miss Emily. She lives by herself in that big house. She’s strange, but she wouldn’t_    _ anybody. She is still waiting for the man she was going to marry thirty years ago. The day before their wedding he left home and never came back because of the war.”
A.happyB.strange C.common D.bad
A.on B.in C.upon D.to
A.and B.so C.but D.that
A.car B.bus C.bike D.truck
A.narrowB.lonely C.crowded D.busy
A.what B.whom C.who D.how
A.beforeB.after C.while D.as
A.street B.path C.way D.road
A.came B.answered C.opened D.appeared
A.asking B.looking C.calling D.waiting
A.Gas B.Coffee C.Tea D.Lunch
A.consider B.understandC.accept D.think
A.like B.love C.used to like D.liking
A.answered B.explained C.refused D.promised
A.gas B.tea C.strength D.energy
A.calling B.call C.to call D.called
A.until B.before C.since D.when
A.could B.can C.would D.wanted
A.accident B.incident C.experienceD.surprise
A.hit B.injury C.hurt D.frighten
【小题1】.考查形容词和语境理解。. A. happy 快乐的B. strange奇怪的;陌生的 C. common 普通的D. bad坏的。根据下文得知一个女人把我错当成了她逃婚的丈夫。She was acting very strangely她的行为很奇怪,因此这是一件很奇怪的事情。选B。
【小题2】考查介词和语境理解。. A. on 在上面B. in在里面 C. upon在之上 D. to对于。有一件奇怪的事情在我身上发生。happen to somebody“发生”,选D。
【小题3】考查连词和语境理解。A. and和B. so因此 C. but但是 D. that连接词。那天天气非常好我就开车去四处转转,such a +形容词+名词+that“如此以至于”选D。
【小题4】考查名词和语境理解。. A. car 汽车B. bus公交车 C. bike自行车 D. truck卡车。根据下文在回家的路上汽车没油了,所以汽车停了。选A。
【小题5】考查形容词和语境理解。. A. narrow 狭窄的B. lonely 孤独的C. crowded 拥挤的D. busy忙碌的。根据下文我决定步行去求助,说明当时是在远离城镇的孤单的小路上,汽车没有油了。选B。
【小题6】考查关系代词和语境理解。. A. what 什么B. whom 宾语谁C. who主语 谁D. how如何。我决定步行直到有人卖汽油给我。先行词是someone在定语从句中做主语用关系代词who,选C。
【小题7】考查副词和语境理解。. A. before 在…前面B. after 在之后C. while当;尽管;然而 D. as随着;因为;按照;尽管。我希望有人可以卖一点汽油给我。我走了一英里才发现路边有个房子。选A。
【小题8】考查名词和语境理解。. A. street 街道B. path道路 C. way 方法;道路D. road马路。 根据下文Fortunately, there was another house down the road,所以一开始看到马路边有一个人家我很开心,因为天也要黑了。选D。
【小题9】考查动词和语境理解。 A. came 到来B. answered 回答C. opened 打开D. appeared出现。我敲了敲门,一个长着白头发的小老太太开了门,选B。
【小题10】考查动词和语境理解。A. asking 询问B. looking看着 C. calling 打电话D. waiting等待。她说:“我已经等你很长时间了”,选D。
【小题11】考查名词和语境理解。A. Gas汽油 B. Coffee咖啡 C. Tea茶水 D. Lunch午餐。从后面的句子“Oh, Alfred! Gas? You used to like tea.可知茶快煮好了,选C。
【小题12】考查动词和语境理解。A. consider 考虑B. understand明白 C. accept接受 D. think认为。作者说:“我来只是买汽油的“,而且不认识这个老太太,因此不明白她为什么这样说。选B。
【小题13】考查动词和语境理解。. A. like 喜欢B. love 爱C. used to like 过去喜欢D. liking喜欢。“Oh, Alfred! Gas? You used to like tea.汽油吗?你以前喜欢的是茶。选C。
【小题14】考查动词和语境理解。A. answered 回答B. explained 解释C. refused拒绝 D. promised答应。我向她解释我只需要汽油,但是她好像不听我的。选B。
【小题15】考查名词和语境理解。A. gas气体;汽油 B. tea 茶C. strength 力气D. energy精力。我向她解释我的汽车没有汽油了。选A。
【小题16】考查动词和语境理解。 A. calling 称呼;打电话(现在分词)B. call称呼;打电话 C. to call称呼;打电话(不定式) D. called称呼;打电话(过去时)。她还是不停地叫我Alfred! 继续做某事keep doing,选A。
【小题17】考查连词和语境理解。 A. until直到 B. before在之前 C. since自从 D. when当时。it had been +一段时间+since+had done.她一直在说有多久没见过我了。选C。
【小题18】考查动词和语境理解。 A. could会 (过去时态)B. can能够 C. would 将会D. wanted想要。我很急切地想离开。她一出去拿茶,我就尽快离开了,选B。选A。
【小题19】考查名词和语境理解。 A. accident 事故B. incident事件 C. experience经历 D. surprise惊喜。幸运的是我这条路的另一家买到了汽油,而且我把我的经历告诉了他。选C。
【小题20】考查动词和语境理解。. A. hit击中 B. injury 受伤C. hurt 伤害D. frighten惊吓。她一个人住在一个大房子里面,她思维不正常,但是她不想伤害任何人。她一直在等待未婚夫,他在婚礼前一天,因为战争离开了她再也没有回来。选C。