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【小题1】The naughty boys took the farmer’s potatoes from the earth, which were not big enough.
The naughty boys ______ _______the farmer’s potatoes, which were not big enough.
【小题2】He got up early so that he could catch the first bus home.
He got up early _______ _______ to catch the first bus home.
【小题3】Students can’t come back school on time because the weather is very terrible.
Students can’t come back school on time _______ _______ the terrible weather.
【小题4】In the dark street, there wasn't a single person that she could ask for help.
Inthedarkstreet, therewasn'ta singleperson that shecould ______ ______forhelp.
【小题5】Never give up and look upon the difficulty in work as a gift from God.
Never _______ _______ to difficulty in work and look upon it as a gift from God.
答案:【小题1】dug out
【小题2】in order/so as
【小题3】because of
【小题4】turn to
【小题5】give i
【小题1】dug out     考查动词短语。Dig out 挖掘。
【小题2】in order/so as 考查固定短语。In order to do 或者so as to do 表示为了做某事,做目的状语。
【小题3】because of    考查介词短语。Because of 因为。
【小题4】turn to      考查动词短语。Turn to sb for help 向某人求助。
【小题5】give in      考查动词短语。Give in to sb 向某人屈服。