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It often appears that we have more to gain by speaking than by listening.  One big advantage of speaking is that it gives you a chance to _____ others' thoughts and actions. Whatever your goal is — to have a boss hire you, to  ____others to vote for the person of your choice or to describe the  ____   you want your hair cut ...the key to success seems to be the  ____  to speak well.
Another  ____  advantage of speaking is the chance it provides to  ____  the admiration, respect, or linking of others. Tell jokes, and everyone will think you're really a  ____  man. Tell them all you know,and they'll be  ____ by your wisdom. But keep quiet, and it seems as if you are a ____  person.
Finally,talking gives you the  ___  to release(释放) energy in a way that listening can't. When you're  ____, the chance to talk about your problems can often help you feel better. In the same way, you can often  ___  your anger by letting it out orally. It is also helpful to ___your excitement with others by talking about it, ____ keeping it inside often leaves you feeling as if you might burst.
____ it is true that talking does have many advantages,it's important to ____ that listening can do good to listeners, too. As you'll soon read, being a good listener is one good way to __  others with their problems; and what better way is there to have others ____ you? As for controlling others, it may be true that  it's  hard  to  be  persuasive  while  you're listening, but your  ___  to hear others out will often make them open to your ideas ____. Listening is often reciprocal(互惠的). “You get what you  give.”
A.in troubleB.in dangerC.in debtD.in silence
A.reduceB.extend C.deepenD.widen
A.appreciateB.listen toC.envyD.support
A.by turnsB.in returnC.in turnD.in order
【小题1】考查动词词义辨析。A猜测B控制C打扰D嘲弄,根据后文Whatever your goal is — to have a boss hire you, to…无论你的目的是什么,让一个老板雇佣你或者…可知应该是用语言去控制他人的思想或行为,即让他人的思想或行为按照你的目标去发展,故选B
【小题2】考查动词词义辨析。A坚持B建议C劝说D建议,根据others to vote for the person应是劝说他人为某人投票,故选C
【小题3】考查名词词义辨析。A想法B计划C手段D方式,根据后文describe the  ____   you want your hair cut描述你想要你的头发被剪的方式,更为恰当,故选D
【小题4】考查名词词义辨析。A习惯B能量C力量D能力,根据后文.the key to success seems to be the  ____  to speak well,成功的关键就是善于言辞的能力,最为恰当,故选D
【小题5】考查形容词词义辨析。A明显的B容易的C新的D特别的,根据句意Another  ____  advantage of speaking is the chance it provides说话另一个明显的好处就是….明显的意思更为贴切,故选A
【小题6】考查动词词义辨析。A抓住B得到C保留D拒绝,根据句意to  ____  the admiration, respect, or linking of others.应该是得到他人的赞扬,尊重和建立联系,故选B
【小题7】考查形容词词义辨析。A成功的B简单的C明智的D愚蠢的,根据句意Tell jokes, and everyone will think you're really a  ____  man.讲笑话每个人都会认为你是个明智的人,意即为风趣的人,故选C
【小题8】考查动词词义辨析。A影响B移动C指导D使印象深刻,根据句意Tell them all you know,and they'll be  ____ by your wisdom告诉你所知道的,他们会对你的智慧印象深刻,故选D
【小题9】考查形容词词义辨析。A无成果的B无家可归的C无价值的D无意识的,根据句意But keep quiet, and it seems as if you are a   ____  person.,保持沉默就好象你是一个没有什么价值的人,故选C
【小题10】考查名词词义辨析。A愉悦B课程C机会D责任,对应第二段Another  ____  advantage of speaking is the chance it provides to, talking gives you the  ___  to可知这一段讲的是说话给与你的另一个机会,故选C
【小题11】考查固定短语。A有麻烦B有危险C有债务D沉默,根据句意When you're  ____, the chance to talk about your problems can often help you feel better.谈论你的麻烦会让你感觉更好,可知是当你在麻烦之中,故选A
【小题12】考查动词词义辨析。A减少B扩展C加深D扩宽,根据句意,you can often  ___  your anger by letting it out orally.释放愤怒会减少你的愤怒,故选A
【小题13】考查动词词义辨析。A控制B分享C享受D移除,根据句意It is also helpful to  ___ your excitement with others by talking about it,同他人谈论应该是分享你的兴奋,故选B
【小题14】考查连词词义辨析。A或者B因此C对于D尽管,根据句意____ keeping it inside often leaves you feeling as if you might burst.抑制不说经常会让你感觉好像要爆发,用for,表示对…来说,最为恰当,故选C
【小题15】考查连接词词义辨析。A正如B当…时C自从D尽管,根据句意___ it is true that talking does have many advantages,it's important to ____ that listening can do good to listeners尽管谈论有很多好处,听也是很重要的,故选D
【小题16】考查动词词义辨析。A猜想B是形容词,意识到的C意识到D猜想,根据句意it's important to ____ that listening can do good to listeners, too意识到听也是有好处的也是很重要的,故选C
【小题17】考查动词词义辨析。A失败B治愈C伤害D帮助,根据句意being a good listener is one good way to  ___  others with their problems成为一个好的听众也是帮助他人解决问题的好方法,故选D
【小题18】考查动词词义辨析。A赞赏B庭C妒忌D支持,根据句意what better way is there to have others ____ you,这也是让别人赞赏你的一个多么好的方法呀,故选A
【小题19】考查名词词义辨析。A善良B喜爱C愿意D关心,根据句意but your  ___  to hear others out will often make them open to your ideas ____但是你愿意倾听他人也会使他人对你敞开心扉,故选C
【小题20】考查词组辨析。A交替B作为回报C轮流D按顺序,根据句意hear others out will often make them open to your ideas ____你愿意倾听他人,作为回报,他们也愿意倾听你的想法,故选B