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同学们,在日常的生活学习中,我们从侧面了解了各个行业的艰辛与魅力,那么你们有自己的职业规划吗?请按要求以“My dream job” 为题,完成一篇不少于120个单词的作文。
What is your dream job?              2.  Give your reasons.
What you should do to achieve your dream.
If I can choose my own profession, I would like to be…
答案:One possible version:
If I can choose my own profession, I would like to be a doctor.
Illnesses and diseases always bring pains and sufferings to us humans, but doctors can help us get rid of them. Doctors are trained to know the causes of different kinds of illnesses and the best ways to cure the patients. They can bring patients from illness to happiness and give the hope to live on.
To be a doctor is not easy for everyone. It requires a kind heart and a difficult process of learning. But I have the faith in realizing my dream and overcome all the difficulties. Misunderstood as doctors may be, they deserve to be respected.
I'll work hard to learn as much as possible, particularly chemistry, mathematics and physics. To realize my dream of becoming a doctor, I will spare my effort without hesitation.
130 word