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When Danny Bowman was at school, he was so crazy to attract girls. He spent 10 hours a day     more than 200 selfies (自拍) trying to find the     one.
He would take 10 photos of   before he washed and would go   class secretly three times every hour. At 16, he dropped out of school    he could throw himself into his addiction (上瘾) , and he ate   . He did not leave his house for six months, and when he failed to take the perfect picture, he tried to   himself by taking an overdose (过度用药). His mother, Penny,    to save him, and forced him to ask for help after his addiction had become    .
The 19-year-old, believed to be Britain's first selfie   , is now under special treatment   . He has not taken a picture of himself in seven months and has   that achieving perfection is    . He told the Sunday Mirror, “I was constantly    the perfect selfie and when I realized I couldn’t, I wanted to die. I    my friends, my education, my health and almost my life. The only thing I   about was having my phone with me so that I could satisfy the desire for a picture of myself at any time of the day.” He expressed his   to the doctors and said their help kept him   and called on others to ask for help   they ended up in hospital.
One psychologist at a clinic   Danny was treated said the addiction to taking selfies has now become a mental illness.
A.othersB.his teacherC.the classroomD.himself
A.intoB.out ofC.insideD.away
A.so thatB.becauseC.butD.as if
A.under controlB.out of controlC.in orderD.out of date
A.in hospitalB.at homeC.at schoolD.at work
A.in need ofB.in want ofC.in search ofD.in favor of
试题分析: 文章介绍了英国首个自拍上瘾的人--Danny Bowman的故事。Danny上学时为了吸引女生,每天都要拍几百张自拍照,并从中选出他认为拍得完美的照片。后来,Danny辍学在家,六个月的时间里,他一直沉溺于自拍中无法自拔。当对自拍照不满意的时候,Danny甚至想服药自杀。
【小题1】考查动词辨析。A制作,做,使;B带走,花费;C有;D得到,使,到达(to)。根据“more than 200 selfies”可知,Danny Bowman每天拍200多张自拍照,拍照用动词take,故选B。
【小题2】考查形容词辨析。A完美的;B漂亮的;C好的;D舒服的。trying to find the   one他试图从200多张里面找出完美的照片,根据第二段第三行“he failed to take the perfect picture”可知答案,故选A。
【小题3】考查代词辨析。A其他人;B他的老师;C教室;D他自己。He would take 10 photos of   他会从中选出10张自拍照拿去冲洗,自拍照当然是拍的他本人,故选D。
【小题4】考查介词辨析。A进入,到......里面,向;B从......出来;C在里面;D离开。根据“before he washed...secretly”可知,Danny Bowman每小时要偷偷跑出教室三次,故选B。
【小题5】考查连词辨析。A以便于,为了;B因为;C但是;D好像,似乎。he could throw himself into his addiction,Danny Bowman辍学是为了能够全身心地投入到自拍中,故选A。
【小题6】考查不定代词和比较级。A更多的;B什么也没有;C更少的;D一切。and he ate   根据前半句可知,Danny Bowman一心只想着自拍,连饭都顾不上吃,说明他很少吃饭,故选C。
【小题7】考查动词辨析。A使惊讶;B使冷静;C杀死;D感谢。根据“taking an overdose”可知,当无法拍出完美的自拍照时,Danny Bowman试图服药自杀,故选C。
【小题8】考查动词辨析。A设法完成;B决定;C未能;D成功。根据“and forced him to ask for help”可知,Danny Bowman自杀未遂,说明是他妈妈及时制止了他,manage to do sth做成某事,succeed后跟doing,故选A。
【小题9】考查介词短语。A得到控制;B失控;C整齐有序;D过时。and forced him to ask for help after his addiction had become    .当Danny Bowman的自拍瘾发展到无法控制的地步时,他的妈妈迫使他去找医生求助,故选B。
【小题10】考查名词辨析。A获胜者;B失败者;C凶手,毒品;D有瘾的人,入迷的人。根据第二段“he could throw himself into his addiction”可知,Danny Bowman对自拍上瘾,他被认为是英国首个自拍上瘾的人,故选D。
【小题11】考查介词短语。A住院;B在家;C上学;D在工作。根据“under special treatment”可知,Danny Bowman在医院接受特殊治疗,故选A。
【小题12】考查动词辨析。A期望;B意识到,认识到;C想象;D认出,承认。根据本段最后“and said their help kept him   and called on others to ask for help”可知,经过治疗,Danny Bowman认识到完美是不存在的,故选B。
【小题13】考查形容词辨析。A不可能的;B可能的;C必需的;D令人不愉快的。根据下一行“when I realized I couldn’t”可知,Danny Bowman一直没有找到完美的自拍照,说明他认识到完美是不可能存在的,故选A。
【小题14】考查介词短语。A需要;B想要;C搜寻;D赞成,支持。根据第二段第三行“and when he failed to take the perfect picture”可知,Danny Bowman一直在寻找完美的照片,故选C。
【小题15】考查动词辨析。A错过,思念;B离开,遗留;C丢失;D得到,购买,使。I    my friends, my education, my health and almost my life.当对自拍照不满意的时候,Danny Bowman试图自杀,由此可知,他认为自己失去了朋友、学业和健康,甚至差点失去了生命,故选C。
【小题16】考查动词辨析。A关心(about),照顾(for);B担心;C梦想;D谈论。The only thing I   about was having my phone with me他过去唯一关心的就是手机是否在身边,故选A。
【小题17】考查名词辨析。A幸福,开心;B后悔,遗憾;C感谢;D伤心。根据“and said their help kept him   ”可知,Danny Bowman认为是医生们挽救了他,说明他对医生表示了感谢,故选C。
【小题18】考查形容词辨析。A明智的;B富有的;C耐心的;D活着的。their help kept him   是医生们的帮助让Danny Bowman活了下来,故选D。
【小题19】考查状语从句。A在......之后;B直到;C在......期间,尽管;D在......之前,没来得及。called on others to ask for help   they ended up in hospital他还提醒他人要尽早采取措施,以免最后不得不住院治疗,故选D。
【小题20】考查定语从句。A作时间状语;B作地点状语;C作主语或宾语;D作方式状语。先行词是clinic,指地点,定语从句“   Danny was treated”不缺少主语或宾语,故选B。