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When most of my friends were quarreling with their fathers, I was looking to mine for guidance. He knows     about me than anyone else. He     for work so he’s gone a lot. Most people assume we have a     relationship because he’s not at home very often. But we get along well under this situation     we talk every night by phone, and he makes his support known when he can’t be present. One night my world just collapsed, and     was my dad who was able to pick up the pieces.
My first true love called from a party and     my heart. He offered little explanation and this made the     more difficult to accept. In that quick phone call I lost my boyfriend and best friend, a     I had enjoyed for the past year and a half. I was sure I was the most miserable fifteen-year-old girl in the world—lost and    . It felt like everyone else’s life could just continue on in its normal way, but mine couldn’t.
I was forced to deal with my regular        on Monday morning, as Mom went to work, Dad flew out     business and I went to school. Dad wouldn’t return until Friday. I wasn’t sure     I was going to face everyone and their     at school. I was right:the questions and the whispers started around the second period.
I returned home from school feeling     defeated. All I wanted to do was crawling into bed and wallowing (在……里挣扎) in my own self-pity. I pulled back the covers on my bed and     a pile of cards left by my dad. Each card included a(n)      . He was halfway across the country and still my dad was able to show he    .
I made it through that week because of him. Each card seemed to say just what I needed to hear. I was instructed to open the last     after the party I went to on Saturday night. In it he sagely (贤明地) reminded me to     .“The world isn’t so bad after a good laugh. The more you laugh, the more you heal.”Each card was    , Love, Dad.
A.muchB.lessC.little D.more
A.travels B.goesC.rides D.looks
A.closeB.goodC.distant D.great
A.because B.ifC.onlyD.unless
A.confidence B.comfortC.happinessD.pity
A.whatB.howC.where D.when
A.gossip B.wordC.eyesD.chat
A.partlyB.reallyC.truly D.completely
A.gotB.discoveredC.observed D.watched
A.message B.orderC.instruction D.note
A.envelope B.cardC.boxD.letter
A.shoutB.cryC.laugh D.smile
A.readB.signedC.attached D.written
【小题1】考查形容词和语境理解。. A. much更多的B. less 更少的C. little小的;少的D. more更多。根据后面的than anyone else和全文得知,在多数朋友们和自己的父亲总是争吵时,作者的父亲却比其他人更了解作者自己。选D。
【小题2】考查动词和语境理解。.. A. travels旅行B. goes去C. rides(乘坐汽车等的)旅行D. looks看起来。根据后文的He was halfway across the country…可知,父亲的工作性质决定着他只能是travel,常出差不在家。选A。
【小题3】考查形容词和语境理解。. A. close亲近的B. good 好的C. distant遥远的 D. great伟大的。因为父亲不常在家,作者与他也很少见面,因此一些人就认为他们的关系是疏远。选C。
【小题4】考查连词和语境理解。. A. because因为B. if 如果;是否C. only只有D. unless除非。后文对此作出解释,因此选择表示原因的连词,因为我们每天晚上都通电话,相处得很好。选A。
【小题5】考查代词和语境理解。 A. it 它B. there这里C. that 特指同一类D. he他。有一天我的世界坍塌了,正是父亲使作者重新振作起来,强调句用it,选A。
【小题6】考查动词和语境理解。.. A. destroyed破坏B. broke 打破C. hurt 伤口痛D. harmed伤害。根据上下文得知初恋男友的电话使作者极其悲伤,心都碎了。选B。
【小题7】考查名词和语境理解。.. A. condition状况 B. environment  环境 C. situation情况D. state状态。作者感觉这种情况使她难以接受。选C。
【小题8】考查名词和语境理解。. A. confidence自信B. comfort 安慰C. happiness  快乐  D. pity可惜。一年半来,对作者来说男友是给予她心灵安慰的人,但现在却不存在了。选B。
【小题9】考查形容词和语境理解。. A. distant远方的B. missed 失去的C. dead死的D. lonely孤独。根据上文的lost可知,作者此时感到失落和孤独。选D。
【小题10】考查名词和语境理解。. A. issue事件B. matter 事情C. business买卖D. routine路程;惯例;例行公事。尽管作者很伤心,但还是不得不做经常做的事情。选D。
【小题11】考查介词和语境理解。. A. in 在里面  B. at 在某地  C. on在之上;关于  D. for为了。妈妈上班,爸爸出差on business,固定搭配,我到学校。选C。
【小题12】考查关系词和语境理解。. A. what什么B. how 怎样C. where地点状语D. when时间状语。作者此时不知道怎么去面对学校里的同学以及他们的闲话。选B。
【小题13】考查名词和语境理解。. A. gossip闲言碎语B. word 消息;词语C. eyes 眼睛D. chat聊天。作者此时不知道怎么去面对学校里的同学以及他们的闲话。。选A。
【小题14】考查副词和语境理解。 A. partly 部分B. really 真的C. truly真实的D. completely完全。根据下文得知,回到家之后,作者完全被击垮,只想缩在被窝里。选D。
【小题15】考查动词和语境理解。.. A. got得到B. discovered 发现 C. observe观察;遵守D. watched观看。正在作者想要拉开被子睡觉的时侯,发现了父亲留给她的卡片。选B。
【小题16】考查名词和语境理解。. A. message信息B. order 秩序;命令C. instruction指导D. note注示;便条.根据下文中的,以及语境可知,每张卡片里都有父亲对作者的指导。 选C。
【小题17】考查动词和语境理解。.. A. cared关心B. pitied 可惜C. loved深爱D. concerned担心。尽管父亲常常出差在外,但是父亲还是可以通过卡片表达对作者的关心。选A。
【小题18】考查名词和语境理解。. A. envelope信封B. card 卡片C. box盒子D. letter信件。根据上文可知,作者打开最后一张卡片。选B。
【小题19】考查动词和语境理解。.. A. shout 大喊B. cry 哭泣C. laugh大笑D. smile微笑。根据引号里的文字“在大笑之后,世界也不是那么糟糕”,应是爸爸贤明地提醒我大笑。选C。
【小题20】考查动词和语境理解。. A. read阅读B. signed 签字C. attached附着D. written被写上。每张卡片上都有父亲的签字,爱你的爸爸,选B。