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【小题1】A lazy man would never ________(完成)anything.
【小题2】Anyone breaking the law will be________(严厉地)punished.
【小题3】John’s always __________ (取笑) me about my accent.
【小题4】If you __________ (行为) like that, you’ll get yourself disliked.
【小题5】A____________ a good knowledge of English is a must for the students who want to go abroad.
【小题6】During the national holiday, most of the tourist spots are c____________.
【小题7】Even if you complete your training, you aren't g ____________ a job.
【小题8】It is high time that we ____________(主张,提倡) solving international conflicts by negotiation, instead of appealing to arms.
【小题9】The girl who was g__________ at singing was admitted into a music school.
【小题10】Trees a_______ the carbon dioxide in the air to produce oxygen.
【小题1】懒惰的人会一事无成,情态动词后用动词原形,填 accomplish。
【小题3】约翰总是取笑我的口音,现在进行时be动词+现在分词,填 teasing。
【小题6】国庆节期间,大多数旅游景点人满为患,非常拥挤be crowded。
【小题8】是时候我们通过协商而不是用诉诸武力解决国际争端。虚拟语气It is high time that 后面用一般过去时,填advocated 。
【小题9】那位有唱歌天赋的女孩考入了音乐学校,be动词gifted at,在某方面有天赋。