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(1)汉语提示 (2)首字母提示 (3)语境提示,在每个空格内填入一个适当的英语单词,并将该词完整地写在右边相对应的横线上。所填单词要求意义准确,拼写正确。
Danger is not what we expect. But the truth is that it often comes suddenly and unexpectedly. How can we get out of danger? There are many 【小题1】a     to this question. The key is whether we can face danger 【小题2】 _____(勇敢).
What you must remember is that you must believe 【小题3】 _____ yourself. Just remember that you can 【小题4】 ______ (打败) danger. Tell yourself that you can turn into a superwoman or a superman when you are in danger. This is【小题5】 ____ I am going to tell you the stories of Mrs. Weldon and Dr. Murray.
Mrs. Weldon reported that her body was nearly run over by a car when she was trying to save her baby. Mrs. Weldon【小题6】w     only fifty kilograms. She looks as if she is very 【小题7】 ____ (虚弱) , but she said she lifted the car to save her baby. Dr. Waltson, a zoologist, wrote that he 【小题8】 j_____nearly three  meters high into the air to take hold of the lowest branch of a tree when some wolves ran 【小题9】a    him. Perhaps you are wondering if you can do such things like【小题10】____. The chances are that you can!
【小题 3】in
试题分析:本文讲述了Mrs. Weldon and Dr. Murray. 的故事,表述了在困境中要相信自己能行的观念
【小题3】in。固定搭配。believe in sb:相信某人。故填介词in
【小题6】weighs。weigh:体重,称量。由最后一段的only fifty kilograms可知是体重为55千克,又由于主语为Mrs.。故填weighs.
【小题9】after。run after,固定搭配,追赶,因为抓住了树枝使得树枝有波动,所以感觉像是在被追赶。故填after
【小题 10】them。这里的事指的是能够像Mrs.和Dr.能够超越极限而做到的事,故用them