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accuse…of      draw a conclusion     be back on one’s feet      make sense
consist of      put forward      concentrate on        fall ill
to one’s credit      make a difference       a variety of         break away
sweep up        dispose of    squeeze out
【小题1】When do you need to use your knowledge about first aid? When somebody suddenly_________ or has an accident.
【小题2】It is difficult to __________ because the situation is confusing.
【小题3】Only by discovering what we do best can we hope to reach our goals and truly__________.
【小题4】Well, now we can see a system where the waste is _______ using the principles of ecology.
【小题5】Father has bought his little son ________ toys which have almost filled the son’s bedroom.
【小题6】The police ______ him _____ murder.
【小题7】Are you serious in _______ such a view?
【小题8】Life mainly _______ happiness and sorrow(悲伤) while happiness and sorrow lie in struggle.
【小题9】A quarrel broke out last Sunday, and he _______ from his family.
【小题10】__________, she gave a hand to an old lady in the rain.
【小题11】She had been ill seriously, but after resting for a long time, she_________ gradually.
【小题12】When we flew in the space capsule, we were ________ into the sky so quickly that I didn’t even have time to fasten my safety belt.
【小题13】With so much noise outside, she can’t _________ her work.
【小题14】Can you _________ of what this writer is saying?
【小题15】The lemon looks dry, but you may be able to _____ a few drops of juice if you try.
答案:【小题1】falls ill
【小题2】draw a conclusion
【小题3】make a difference
【小题4】disposed of
【小题5】a variety of
【小题7】putting forward
【小题8】consists of
【小题9】broke away
【小题10】To her credit
【小题11】was back on her feet
【小题12】swept up
【小题13】concentrate on
【小题14】make sense
【小题15】squeeze out
【小题1】falls ill;生病;什么时候你需要运用你的急救知识?当有人突然生病或有意外事故时。
【小题2】draw a conclusion;得出结论;很难得出结论,因为情况很令人困惑。
【小题3】 make a difference;有影响;有关系;只有通过发现我们做的最好的,我们才能有希望达到我们的目标并且产生影响。
【小题4】disposed of;处理;解决;转让;现在我们能看到一个使用生态学原理处理废物的系统。
【小题5】a variety of;各种各样的;种种;父亲为他的小儿子买了各种各样的玩具,这些玩具几乎比他儿子的房间填满了。
【小题6】accused…of ;控告;谴责;警察指控他谋杀。
【小题7】putting forward;提出;拿出;放出;推举出;对你提出的这个观点,你是认真的吗?
【小题8】consists of ;由......构成;生活主要是有幸福和悲伤组成的,而幸福和悲伤在于努力奋斗。
【小题9】broke away;脱离;放弃;逃跑;上个星期天发生了一场争吵,他离家出走了。
【小题10】To her credit ;值得赞扬的是;值得赞扬的是,她帮助了雨中的老妇人。
【小题11】was back on her feet;恢复;她病得很严重,但在很长一段时间的休息后,她逐渐恢复了。
【小题12】swept up;在我们飞入太空舱内时,我们被飞速的卷入空中以至于我甚至没有时间系紧我的安全带。
【小题13】concentrate on ;集中注意力于......外边噪音不断,她不能集中注意力于她的工作。
【小题14】make sense;理解;有意义;你能理解这个作者在说什么吗?
【小题15】squeeze out;挤出;榨出;这个柠檬看起来很干,但是如果你试试的话你可能会榨出少许柠檬汁来。