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One woman is having a very merry Christmas, indeed, all thanks to the honesty and determination of a complete stranger.
“When I saw it, I said, ‘God, this is really a pretty      .Somebody's going to heartbroken,” said Shirley Grandey , 62, who was a volunteer for keeping the environment clean.
When Grandey was       a large pile of pine needles and dirt at the end of her hard work day, she never      to come across someone's diamond ring lying alone among a pile of         .
Knowing the ring probably had special        , Grandey held onto the jewelry and made it her 16 to find the owner.
“I said, 'Oh God ,I have to find the       , "'recalled Grandey before making the decision to contact the TV station, to help         the word. "It was definitely a          ring.  It was intertwined(缠绕)and had their         on it.”
Her efforts       
“The brother of the girl saw it on          and told her," said Grandey, who couldn't have been happier to return the         ring to its original owner, Julie Sanalitro.
“I was screaming and running around the house,” Sanalitro told the news station. "We always come to       our tree from there to celebrate Christmas Day," she said.
When Sanalitro called to         the ring, she explained it was a gift from her boyfriend, who had only given it to her two months ago when they           reunited.
She was not only able to          answer all of Grandey's questions about the ring,         she was the original owner, but Grandey added, “I knew it was hers the moment she was walking up.”
“We just hugged each other and she had a few tears," the         volunteer explained.
All that Crandey asks from this         is simply for people to “pay it forward.”  She said. “ I would want someone to give it back to me if I lost my ring, so just try to pay it forward.”
A.putting awayB.cleaning upC.keeping upD.bringing up
A.paid offB.paid upC.paid backD.paid out
A.successfully B.properlyC.obviouslyD.similarly
【小题1】考查名词和语境理解。A. gift 礼物B. handkerchief手帕 C. necklace项链D. ring戒指。根据下文she never   to come across someone's diamond ring lying alone among a pile of    .得知她捡到一个钻戒。选D.
【小题2】考查动词短语和语境理解。A. putting away 收起来 B. cleaning up 清扫C. keeping up 保持D. bringing up抚养。从上文who was a volunteer for keeping the environment clean.得知62岁的Grandey是一名清洁工志愿者,在打扫卫生清理松针,大树枝和一些垃圾。选B.
【小题3】考查动词和语境理解。A. expected 期待B. wanted 想要C. understood理解 D. imagined想象。因为当时在清理垃圾,她没有想到会偶然在垃圾中捡到别人的钻戒。选A.
【小题4】考查名词和语境理解A. furniture 家具B. equipment设备 C. luggage行李D. garbage垃圾。根据When Grandey was   a large pile of pine needles and dirt at the end of her hard work day,因为当时是在忙碌一天快结束时清理垃圾,偶然在垃圾中捡到别人的钻戒。选D.
【小题5】考查名词和语境理解。A. object物体B. design 设计C. value价值 D. form形成。根据下一句made it her   to find the owner.她认为找到失主是她的责任。是因为她知道戒指对于失主来说一定有特别的价值。选C.
【小题6】考查名词和语境理解A. duty 职责B. work 工作C. ability 能力D. agreement同意。因为她知道戒指对于失主来说一定有特别的价值。.她认为找到失主是她的责任。选A.
【小题7】考查名词和语境理解。A. designer 设计者B. owner拥有者;主人C. photographer摄影师D. artist艺术家。根据上文made it her    to find the owner.得知这里在说她一定要找到戒指的主人。选B.
【小题8】考查动词和语境理解。A. print打印B. explore 探索C. spread 扩散;传播D. write书写。她选择联系电视台来帮助她传达她的话语。选C.
【小题9】考查名词和语境理解。A. luck运气B. wedding 婚礼C. marriage婚姻D. love爱情。这枚戒指一定是一个爱情的见证。选D.
【小题10】考查名词和语境理解.A. photos照片B. names 姓名C. addresses地址D. words话语。戒指被缠绕着还刻有他们的姓名。选B.
【小题11】考查动词短语和语境理解。A. paid off偿还清;有回报B. paid up 全部付清C. paid back偿还 D. paid out报复。因为她联系到了失主,她的努力总算有回报了。选A.
【小题12】考查名词和语境理解A. television电视B. telephone 电话C. radio 收音机D. phone手机。根据上文她选择通过电视台来帮助她传达她的话语,得知失主的哥哥是通过看电视知道这件事的。选A.
【小题13】考查形容词和语境理解。A. nice好的B. lost迷失的C. ugly丑陋的D. lovely可爱的。根据上文她捡到戒指,得知能归还给失主丢了的戒指她非常开心。选B.
【小题14】考查动词和语境理解。A. take带走B. buy购买C. get得到D. lift提升。我当时在房子周围大叫奔跑,我们总是来到这里得到我们的圣诞树来庆祝圣诞节日。选C.
【小题15】考查动词和语境理解。A. rescue 营救B. transport运输C. convey传达D. describe描述。当失主Sanalitro打电话来描述她的戒指时,她说那是男友给她的礼物。选D.
【小题16】考查副词和语境理解。A. recently最近B. immediately立刻C. actively积极D. likely可能的。她的男友在最近两个月前重逢时送给她的礼物。选A.
【小题17】考查副词和语境理解。A. successfully  成功B. properly合适C. obviously 明显D. similarly相似。Sanalitro不仅能成功回答出Grandey对戒指提出的相关问题。选A.
【小题18】考查动词和语境理解。A. remembering记得B. ensuring 确保C. forgetting 忘记D. telling告知。这些有关戒指问题能确保Sanalitro就是戒指的失主。选B.
【小题19】考查形容词和语境理解。A. kind 善良的B. angry生气的C. close亲近的D. learned有学识的。这位志愿者经过努力找到了戒指的失主,得知她是一个善良的人。选A.
【小题20】考查名词和语境理解.A. accident事故B. origin 起源C. experience 经历D. evidence证据。通过这次寻找失主的经历,志愿者Crandey只简单的要求人们能够把爱传递出去。选C.