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【小题1】In summer we had tea o______, under the chestnut tree. (not inside a building)
【小题2】I wanted to chat with her, but she i_____ me and went away. (to take no notice of)
【小题3】We began to know each other g______. (slowly, not suddenly)
【小题4】The v_____ from America to France used to take two months. (long journey by sea or in space)
【小题5】Our government’s a_______ to Xinjiang is clear and firm. (the way that you think and feel about sb/sth)
【小题6】In the past, the villagers t_____ their goods by horses not by truck. (to move sth in a vehicle)
【小题7】As a result of the accident, the _______(电) has to be cut off.
【小题8】The flood _____(摧毁) all the houses and many people became homeless.
【小题9】I found this to be a ________ (rely) brand of washing machines.
【小题10】I think it’s_____ (use) trying to talk to her because she never listens.
【小题11】Newspapers should not report_____ (frighten) news without making sure of the facts.
【小题12】After the crash, an ambulance took the _____ (injure) to hospital immediately.
【小题13】______( determine) to finish law school, she studies very hard.
【小题14】Vera was ________( 攻击) while walking home late at night.
【小题15】I feel _______(hope)that we will find a suitable house very soon.
It was _____ _____ met him in the street yesterday.
They insisted that the teacher _____ _____.
A little boy _____ _____ ______ us and asked for the empty bottle.
【小题19】Hearing the news,he _____ _____ crying.(突然哭了)
He felt so terrible that he thought his world was _____ _____ ______.
_____ _____ a person’s appearance is not enough to tell what kind of person he is.
【小题22】只有通过努力拼搏, 才能实现自己的梦想。
Only by working hard _____ you ______ your dream.
【小题23】The story _____ is written by an unknown author is the most interesting one _____ I have ever read.
【小题24】Those _____ wish to meet the singer _____ new songs are popular in the party, sign here please.
【小题25】We will put off the match until next week _____ the students won’t be so busy. Thus we can avoid the situation _____they are absent.
【小题16】I  that/who
【小题17】be invited
【小题18】came up to
【小题19】burst out
【小题20】at an end
【小题21】Judging from/by
【小题22】can; realize
【小题23】which/that;  that
【小题24】who;  whose
【小题25】when; where
【小题1】outdoors。考查名词,“not inside a building”不在建筑物里面,那就表示在室外,户外。句意为:夏天,我们在户外栗树下面喝茶。
【小题2】ignore. 考查动词"take notice of"注意到,留意到。“take no notice of”沒有注意到,就是忽视了,不理睬。句意为:我想去和她交流,但是她沒有注意到我就走了。
【小题3】gradually. 考查副词"slowly, not suddenly"慢慢地,不突然的。是一個缓慢有规律的过程。句意为:我們开始逐渐地认识彼此。
【小题4】voyage. 考查名词"long journey by sea or in space"在海上或太空的长途旅行。"voyage"航海,航行,飞过,渡过。句意:从美国到法国航海过去常常要花两个月的時間。
【小题5】attitude. 考查名词"the way that you think and feel about sb/sth"你看待某人或某事的方式——态度句意:我们政府对新疆的态度是清楚又坚定的。
【小题6】transported. 考查动词 "to move sth in a vehicle"用交通工具搬运某物。“transport”运输,搬运. 因为发生在过去,所以用过去式。句意:在过去,村民用马來运输貨物而不是卡车。
【小题7】electricity.考查名词 根据汉意就可以写出答案。句意:由于一场事故,断电了。
【小题8】destroyed/ruined. 考查动词 "destroy/ruin"可以表示摧毁,破坏,但是是不可修复的,而“damage”也可译为摧毁,破坏,但是是可修复的。
【小题9】reliable 考查形容词。 在句中需要有一个形容词來修饰“brand(名词)”, be +adj.固定搭配。句意:我发现這个牌子的洗衣机很值得信赖。
【小题10】useless. 考查形容词。根据后面一句話可以得知她根本就不听,所以是无用的,而这里it's useless doing sth =it's no use doing sth做……是无用的。是固定搭配。句意:我想试图和她交谈是无用的,因为她从来都不听。
【小题11】frightening 考查形容词.。形容词修饰名词(news). 句意:报纸不应该报道沒有确切事實的骇人的新闻。
【小题12】injured 考查形容词。"the injured"固定搭配受伤的人。 the+adj.表示一类人
【小题13】Determined 考查动词的时态变化。 过去分词做状语,句意:为了能够进入法律学校,她刻苦学习。
【小题14】attacked 考查动词。 过去分词表示被动。句意:晚上很晚的時候,Vera走在回家的路上被攻击了,
【小题15】hopeful 考查形容词。 固定搭配feel +adj.句意:我们很快的找到一所合适的房子之后,我感觉有希望了。
【小题16】考查强调句的运用,固定搭配,句中强调的是我。强调句的句型为It  is/was …+that/who….
【小题17】考查虚拟语气。insist 当坚持来讲时,需要用虚拟语气,一般句式为insist that +主语+(should)+be/v(动词原形)。文章中老师是被邀請的,所以用被动语态。
拓展:同样用法的词还有urge, suggest,advice, requst, demand…
【小题18】考查词组。句中还缺少走过来的句子,走过来意为接近,靠近,而come up to的意思就是接近,靠近。事情发生过了,所以用过去式。
【小题19】考查固定搭配。突然的词组与哭搭配的只有burst out(突发,大声喊叫)
【小题20】考查固定短语。末日可意为完结,结束。at an end:完结,结束,耗尽。
【小题21】考查动名词和固定搭配。作主语时动词需要变换成动名词,动名词可作主语,放句首。judge from从……判断,断定,是固定搭配。
【小题22】考查状语从句。 only+介词短语或副词作状语放在句首时,表示强调,主句中主谓要部分倒装。
【小题23】考查定语从句和同位语从句。从句中作主语的有that, which, who…这里story是物作主语,所以需要that/which作主语,來修饰story。one作主语时,定语修饰时一定是that,是固定句型。
【小题24】考查定语从句。those在这里代指人,所以定语中用who來作主语,who引导的从句修饰those。而whose是作new songs的定语的。
【小题25】考查状语从句。next week是時間,所以用when來引导。
拓展:有相同用法的词还有stage, case,pisition, point, degree都需要where來修饰。