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第二节 词组填空(每小题1分, 满分5分):
【小题1】The whole city lay ______(废墟) after the earthquake.
【小题2】Have you _______(下决心) about it ?
【小题3】Don’t  l_________ when faced with difficulty.
【小题4】Do as you are told, otherwise,you will be ______(麻烦).
【小题5】Einstein became a man without a country when Hitler _____(上台).
答案:【小题1】in ruins
【小题2】made up your mind
【小题3】lose heart
【小题4】in trouble
【小题5】came to
【小题1】in ruins。in ruins,固定搭配,表示废墟,努力白费。
【小题2】made up your mind。make up one’s mind about ..下决心做..,因为前面有助动词have。故填made up your mind
【小题3】lose heart。句意:面对困难不要灰心。lose heart ,灰心丧气。
【小题4】in trouble。表示陷入困境,作be的表语
【小题5】came to power。固定搭配,表示执政。因时态为一般过去时,故用came to power