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9月15日(星期三), 一个美国中学生代表团将到你校访问,师生一行十几人将在参观完学校后与你班进行座谈会。请根据下列内容和提示,写一篇口头通知稿。
1.  9月15日上午8:45在校门口集合,欢迎来校参观的美国学生。
2. 带客人参观学校,(图书馆,实验室,体育馆)。
3. 与你班进行座谈会,介绍英语学习方法,之后自由交谈。
4.  11:30和美国学生在食堂共进午餐,并互赠小礼物。
注意: 1.通知稿须包括所给要点,但不要逐条翻译。
Dear classmates:
May I have your attention, please?
That’s all. Thank you!
答案:Dear classmates.
May I have your attention, please?
An American high school delegation, consisting of more than 10 people will visit our school. We’ll meet at the school gate at 8:45 a.m., and give them a warm welcome. Then we’ll show them around some parts of the school, such as the library, the lab and the gym.
Afterwards, they will tell us the ways of learning English. What’s more, we’ll have a free talk with the visitors, which will be a good opportunity for us to practice our English. At 11:30 we’ll have lunch with them in the dining-hall, and then exchange the presents with each other.
That’s all. Thank you.